UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 28, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 28 should come out Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 28 goodness begins.^_^

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

Oh yeah, baby! Eva in her true form with a grin on her face. You know the good times are about to roll ’cause Eva grinning usually means bad times for those opposed to her. ^_^

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

Yeah Touta. ^_~

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

Don’t mess with Eva’s boy, y’all! ^_~

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

Time to bring the pain with Eva’s ice magic. ^_^

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images
Uh oh! So what do Eva and Touta have to face now?

UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images

As Southrop points out, this is the same mecha unit that Chao used in Negima! during the Mahora Festival arc.

Well, color me VERY excited for this chapter. I want Eva to come in and do massive damage. It appears that Powerful Hand were prepared for such an eventuality, but Eva has already seen these mecha units in action before.  Since they are anti-magical in nature, I wonder if Eva’s magic can go up against them or not. With the units Chao had, they could, but then again, magical weapons were also in the mix.

Well, we’ll see how things ultimately go. It occurs to me that since Eva still has a bounty on her head and has revealed her true identity, Powerful Hand may try to nab her as well.  I rather hope that Eva isn’t overcome because I want her to still remain the big bad wolf of old. Of course, if she is nailed, other UQ Holder members would have to come in to try to rescue her and Touta.

I’d like to express my continued thanks to Southrop for sharing these awesome images. As usual, he has some notes for those interested. ^_^

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37 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 28 SPOILER Images”

  1. Dargor says:

    Looks like it’ll be a decent chapter, which hilariously only seems to be the case when Touta isn’t the focus of it. The mech is cool and we see loli Eva again, so this will probably one of the better chapters we’ve had so far. Not that its a difficult feat at this point though.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      *lol* I hear ya. But, I am hoping that this is where Touta turns around and becomes a better character.

  2. chaosprophet says:

    Only that image of Eva with only her older form blouse already is won me over!

    I love Akamatsu fan service.

    Anyway, I don’t think that final thing would be even a challenge for Evangeline, specially if similar to the one Chao made in the festival. That one was destroyed by Festival arc level Negi, even though it was equipped with time bullets (ch 151).

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Only that image of Eva with only her older form blouse already is won me over!


      Anyway, I don’t think that final thing would be even a challenge for Evangeline, specially if similar to the one Chao made in the festival. That one was destroyed by Festival arc level Negi, even though it was equipped with time bullets (ch 151).

      I guess it would depend on its weaponry. Chao’s were only armed with stripping beams.

      • chaosprophet says:

        Check on the chapter. That one was equipped with the time displacement bullets, which means a one-hit “KO” if hit anything. It’s hard to have better armament than that. Of course, it could be stronger overall than Chao’s one.

        But my guess this part will be more to show Touta how strong Eva is (he don’t really have a good idea yet). That may motivate him in training harder, as being an immortal means there may be enemies on his way with a level of power similar to Eva’s.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          But my guess this part will be more to show Touta how strong Eva is (he don’t really have a good idea yet). That may motivate him in training harder, as being an immortal means there may be enemies on his way with a level of power similar to Eva’s.

          I hope you are right.

        • Andarion says:

          Check on the chapter. That one was equipped with the time displacement bullets, which means a one-hit “KO” if hit anything. It’s hard to have better armament than that. Of course, it could be stronger overall than Chao’s one.

          I might be wrong but as far as I remember the time displacement bullets could only be used during the Mahora Fest because of the high amount of ambient magic in the air. Also I don’t quite think the Powerful Hand would want to use them now. They want to capture Touta and probably Eva and sending your opponent to the future can make things tricky if you don’t get your timing right.

          • chaosprophet says:

            Yes, I very much agree with that. AstroNerdBoy argued that even if both robots were the same, the one in UQ could have an stronger armament. And I argued that it would be hard for UQ one to have a stronger weapon then the time bullets, which Chao one had.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            I consider the time bullets to be very specialized, but I was thinking more in terms of how Yuuna nailed Negi and temporarily sealed his power during the sports festival arc.

    • chaosprophet says:

      *That image of loli Eva wearing only her older form t-shirt already won me over.

      I was too excited by the spoilers that end up making lots of mistakes, orz.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        ^_^ No problems. I completely understand (and am notorious for making all kinds of dopey mistakes when in a hurry).

  3. LoneWolfx03 -]===- says:

    Loli Eva!!! I was right! I missed her… TT_TT

  4. WMC says:

    Agh. I do NOT understand you peoples’ pant over Eva. Many hundred year old ten-year-old vampire? No thank you. She’s not sexy, even when she tried to seduce Negi by illusion in her time dilation orb in her basement. Hundred year, cynical ten-year-old, no emotion, no fire sex. Fun for about five minutes. Motoko, of “Love Hina” fame was MUCH hotter, even as a clueless, obsessed virgin, and her fan service sizzling. Moreover, Asuna was just as strong, and Nagi stronger. Diffrent strokes for different folks, but I think you-all’re bein’ played by Mr. Akamatsu and his minions.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      My interest in Eva was never on an attraction level. During her introduction in volume 3 of Negima, I found her to be interesting in that she was a notorious, wanted (with a bounty) shinso vampire (not just any old vampire); she had known and traveled with Negi’s father; she was eventually snared and cursed by Nagi, who left her trapped at a middle school in order that she might be taught a lesson; and at the end of the day, she wasn’t the “evil near final boss” that she tried to portray herself as, but she actually still did care.

      Having established that she was a “badarse” character, her deus ex machina saving of Negi in his first fight against Fate was a lot of fun for me. I loved the attitude she had when she grabbed Fate and nailed him. She got to spread her wings a bit by nailing the feared Ryoumen Sukuna no Kami beast before it had a chance to act. Then when Fate had nailed her, the attitude she had when she reformed herself to force Fate to retreat was something I found enjoyable.

      From that time on, I’ve just liked Eva as a character. Her age, immortality, and attitude with power to back it up are appealing to me. I want to know more about her as a character. (I also want to know more about her partnership with Chachazero, but that’s another topic.) But, that’s just me. ^_^

    • Dargor says:

      I’d normally agree with you, since I never particularly cared about Eva in Negima all that much, but my standards for UQ Holder are so low I’m happy to see a character I’m familiar with as opposed to the new cast whom I couldn’t give two craps about. And even then, this particular Eva isn’t all that interesting to begin with. Almost all of the quirks that made her entertaining are all but gone, replaced by that pale shadow people call Yukihime.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        And even then, this particular Eva isn’t all that interesting to begin with.

        What?! How dare you!!! (*lol* Just kidding. ^_~)

  5. Time to bring the pain !

    Evangeline on Loli-mode YAY !

  6. Andarion says:

    If Eva activates her Villain Mode, glaring, gloating and talking about bringing the pain to the mortals it will be like the good old times XD

  7. yakitatefreak says:

    I see that this is gonna be a fun chapter…

    On a side note, the first volume has been published in North America. I just purchased a copy at Barnes and Noble today. It might be worthwhile to take a look at what Kodansha Comics USA has done.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, I’ve got it in the order queue. Once I hit a certain dollar amount, I pull the trigger.

  8. Aki says:

    I wish Eva would just stick with her original form…

  9. Aki says:

    What appealed to me about Eva was how she was one of the strongest characters in negima and her full potential was never really shown… She has taken on three fates at once, cast endless white nine heavens, destroyed sakuna and her magia erebea scroll clone was noted to be far inferior to the original.

    Also she used queen of ice form magia erebea and still hadn’t gone all out against negi.

    Also from chap 27 chapter I’m starting to doubt the negi touta relationship + I’m getting curious about his age… Is negi still 10 or did he age a bit?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Also from chap 27 chapter I’m starting to doubt the negi touta relationship + I’m getting curious about his age… Is negi still 10 or did he age a bit?

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Negi used age-altering illusion magic like Eva does.

  10. NullApostle says:

    Meh. I don’t hold much interest in Eva. She’s a known factor. I’m more interested in the UQs we haven’t seen yet.

    (Also, to repeat myself, I find pure combat chapters boring. UQH could need some more story meat on its bones.)

    • Aki says:

      Well akatmatsu is going for more journey/adventure this time with battles (since touta a battle loving prodigy in martial arts) as opposed to negi who is a thinker/strategist and work on solutions…

      Actually touta more like nagi/rakan as the generic hero/protagonist who doesn’t put much thinking into fighting

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      (Also, to repeat myself, I find pure combat chapters boring. UQH could need some more story meat on its bones.)

      I suspect that if this were a seinen title, Akamatsu-sensei could do more storytelling. As a shounen title, he obviously feels obligated to through in big battles, just like a shounen comedy series with an interesting plot feels compelled to do gag chapters (ie: Hayate the Combat Butler).

  11. david_pt says:

    In this issue we finally got to see three other members of uq holder

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Ah. Very interesting. Can’t wait to take a gander. ^_^

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Just took said gander of the raw. Well, some of y’all will be celebrating for sure. ^_^ I am not displeased with what I saw.

        • david_pt says:

          Then i have a question for you, the robot guy and the glasses guy appeared but the other guy who appeaed is he jinbei, the leader of uq holder or a new character?
          I only ask you this because the character designs look identical.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Then i have a question for you, the robot guy and the glasses guy appeared but the other guy who appeaed is he jinbei, the leader of uq holder or a new character?

            The actual romaji for his name is “Jinbee”, but I guess if left that way, people might try to pronounce his name to rhyme with the English word “bee” instead of “bay”.

            That being said, yes, that is UQH #2. I suspect that Eva is the true leader of UQ Holder, but Jinbee runs the group. I could be wrong, but considering the HUGE respect they all have for Eva (even using the English word “mistress” to describe her), she’s the unofficial leader at the very least.

  12. Chao learn about Earthian Science technology and Anti Magic warfare from the war between Earth and Mars , she travel back Mahora and use those techniques to avoid the war but thank for her work , human learnt the techniques , created Anti Magic warfare based on it and ended up use it in Martian war (~2100)

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