Urusei Yatsura 110 (of Yaoi and Yuri Kisses)

うる星やつら episode 110 (TV anime)
Urusei Yatsura ep. 110

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Urusei Yatsura 110Lum and Ataru are at a ramen restaurant when Lum sees an ad for lipstick and decides to kiss Ataru, who’s not interested in kissing her but other girls. Lum leaves dejected and sees all the other couples around her acting all lovey-dovey , so she returns to her ship to create the perfect lipstick. Elsewhere, Shinobu, Ryuunosuke, and friends are at a shiruko restaurant (sweet red-bean soup) filled with girls and talking of love an romance.

Shinobu is being teased about not having her first kiss and Urusei Yatsura 110Ryuunosuke sees a print ad for lipstick and wants some. Still elsewhere, Megane pines over not having kissed a girl and he desperately wants to kiss Lum. Meanwhile Lum returns with the lipstick, which will make both parties wearing it kiss. Ataru realizes her game and takes the lipstick, pretending to throw it away.

The next at school, Ataru tries to figure out whom to target with the lipstick. Ryuunosuke is the obvious choice and she’s only too happy to be allowed to put on lipstick. Ataru puts some on Urusei Yatsura 110as well but when their faces are drawn together for a kiss, Ryuunosuke punches Ataru instead. Lum arrives, still wearing her lipstick and just before Ataru’s face can meet hers, Lum’s Stormtroopers and Shuutaro stop Ataru.

Lum is not happy and soon all of the girls and guys in the class save Megane (who’s trapped under a pile of desk) and Shinobu are wearing the lipstick, but never kissing their intendeds — rather they end up kissing members of the same sex. Shinobu gets lipsticked and ends up accidentally kissing Urusei Yatsura 110Ryuunosuke. In rage, Ryuunosuke and Shinobu begin beating back all of the guys in the class. Lum has had enough and everyone pays when she electrocutes the entire classroom.

When all is said and done, Lum goes to the ramen shop to eat. She’s depressed by the turn of events even though the shop owner says she looks charming with her lipstick on. Ataru happens by, still trying to pick up girls who are disgusted by his use of lipstick. When Lum turns, their eyes meet and Ataru finds himself kissing the glass window with Lum on the other side.


Urusei Yatsura 110This was a pretty predictable episode, and yet was still pretty funny. The moment Shuutaro put on the lipstick, I knew he and Ataru would end up kissing and they did. Ditto when Ryuunosuke and Shinobu got close to each other — I knew they’d end up kissing. However, Cherry suddenly appearing and kissing Ataru was the real kicker. When I saw Cherry’s hand, I thought, “No way!” Oh, yes way! *lol* Funny stuff there. ^_^ (It would be nasty, freaky if there were an H-yaoi doujinshi about those two. *_*) Outside of Lum kissing Ten-chan early on, I don’t think one guy kissed one girl in the whole episode — it was guys kissing guys and girls kissing girls — yaoi and yuri. *lol*

Urusei Yatsura 110An episode all about chaos, youthful passions for the opposite sex, and failed kissing attempts don’t leave a whole lot to comment on. However, I was surprised that Shinobu hadn’t kissed a guy before. I thought for sure she had, possibly with Ataru. Its hard to know for sure since I’ve been watching this anime off and on for a number of years now.

So despite being a pretty fun episode, there’s not much else to say. ^_^;

Urusei Yatsura 110
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4 Responses to “Urusei Yatsura 110 (of Yaoi and Yuri Kisses)”

  1. O-chan says:

    Years ago someone had a theory that Lum and Ataru are two weird magnets and whenever they get together chaos tends to ensue. Ataru with his bad luck and perversion and Lum with her weird alien connections.
    Point is this episode is one that exposes that fact (…not like this happens in pratically EVERY episode…)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      (Man, not sure how I missed this back in the day.)

      >Point is this episode is one that exposes that fact (…not like this happens in pratically EVERY episode…)

      Heh! Isn’t that the truth.

  2. sumoni says:

    I like when weird stuff happens concerning the guys and they don’t get their way, lol!

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