Incoming New Manga Christmas Purchases! Hey gang! Sorry for a cheap post, but man, I am slammed so hard at work of late. Can’t wait for my Christmas vacation! Regardless, I was looking at the stack of manga that I have read (and will likely need to reread since it has been a while) and
Archive for the ‘Japan’ Category

The West Kills Akamatsu-sensei’s Legal Manga Site

The West Kills Akamatsu-sensei’s Legal Manga Site Hey gang! As you know, the West has been pressuring Japan to change its anime, manga, and video game content. Japan creates content its audiences want, but in the West, including the U.N., this could somehow cause violence to women. Here’s my video on the subject.

This Image is Porn?

This Image is Porn? The Mie Kotsu Controversy. Hey gang! I did a video on my second channel (seen below), talking about the controversy surrounding the Mie Kotsu Bus Company female mascot character. It is by no means unusual for a company to create mascot characters. However, in this case, a cute, anime-styled, female character

Mangaka AKAMATSU Ken Wins Seat in Diet’s Upper House

Mangaka AKAMATSU Ken Wins Seat in Diet’s Upper House Well, it is official. AKAMATSU Ken-sensei, the creator of A.I. Love You, Love Hina, Negima!, and UQ Holder, is now a member of Japan’s Diet Upper House. Sensei had this to say on Twitter after winning the election. 20時すぐ、参議院議員普通選挙にて報道各社から当選確実が出ました。 この当確は、漫画家初の国会議員の誕生を意味します。日本が変わる!と思います。 私に期待して投票してくれた有権者を裏切ることのないよう、また「全国民の代表」に恥じぬよう、しっかりと公約の実現に取り組んでまいります。 — 赤松 健 ⋈ 参議院議員(全国比例)候補者

“UQ Holder” Creator AKAMATSU Ken Going Into Politics

UQ Holder Creator AKAMATSU Ken Going Into Politics If I had to guess, I’m known in the anime and manga fandom for two things. One being the canon Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki series. The other would be for AKAMATSU Ken-sensei’s work, mainly Negima! and UQ Holder. I used to get spoilers for both those series, though

Burger King Japan Celebrates “Good Meat Day”

Burger King Japan Celebrates “Good Meat Day” Did you know that there’s a “Good Meat Day” in Japan? I certainly didn’t. However, November 29 is “Good Meat Day”. Why? Well, November 29 in numbers is 11 29. As I understand it, the 11 looks similar to the katakana イイ (いい in the hiragana and ii

“BIG ENTER” key — for those REALLY stressful times

“BIG ENTER” key — for those REALLY stressful times! Hey gang! Why a video for the BIG ENTER key? Why not? 😉 In all seriousness, today’s scheduled anime review has been delayed ’cause Murphy’s Law is currently in full effect at my job. But hey, I can’t complain ’cause it is massive overtime, and I

Bet you think this awesome Japanese commercial is about baseball.

Bet you think this awesome Japanese commercial is about baseball. You’d be wrong about the baseball part. When I lived in Japan, many Japanese commercials were often very entertaining, either because they were whacky in a funny sort of way, whacky in a silly sort of way, or just incredibly creative. One didn’t have to