Work Related Delays Hey gang! By this time, long time blog readers know the drill — work is kicking my arse, leaving my face in the grass! 😂 In all seriousness, I’m shattered due to the long hours. And what’s worse is that I don’t get overtime pay for this fun any more. 😭 Well,
Archive for the ‘Contributing Writers’ Category

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 113 Manga Review (Body Swap #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 113 Manga Review フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Gray runs into a man, who identifies himself as Sai from the alchemist guild Gold Owl. He refuses to give Gray the orb as his guild needs it to grow. Gray apologizes in advance and starts and attack. However, Sai uses alchemy

El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 Review Shinpi no Sekai El Hazard 2 El Hazard OVA 2 神秘の世界エルハザード2 Since the Community Anime Reviews site frequently has problems, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB note.” 😅 I

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 112 Manga Review (New Foe? #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 112 Manga Review フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Suzaku and Natsu continue their futile attempts to scratch Dogramag. During a pause in combat, Dogramag admits that Elefseria did in fact kill him. However, because Dogramag consumed Elefseria’s heart prior to death, the heart resurrected him. Over the 100 years, Dogramag

SPY×FAMILY Anime Goodies!

SPY×FAMILY Anime Goodies! Hey gang! As many of you already know, SPY×FAMILY is one of my favorite franchises, both in anime and in manga. (Which reminds me, I should do a top 5 anime list soon.) As such, it was great to see the parcel post person slowly thunder to my house, delivering a package

Lupin the 3rd: Part II 08 (Train Job #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part II 08 Lupin III Part 2 08 ルパン三世 – 新シリーズ Ep. 08 Lupin Sansei Shin Series Lupin III New Series SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin’s gang is in Venice, Italy to target Don Martino. On the surface, he’s a legitimate businessman, but in reality, runs a murderous, criminal organization. Martino is taking his

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 111 Manga Review (Dying Request #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 111 Manga Review フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Natsu and Suzaku continue their futile fight against Dogramag. Meanwhile, the dying Selene reverts to humanoid form. She tells Happy that Natsu and Suzaku cannot defeat a dragon god. However, dragon gods have weaknesses, and Dogramag’s weakness is the labyrinth. In order

El Hazard: The Magnificent World Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

El Hazard: The Magnificent World Review El-hazard: Magnificent World OVA 1 Shinpi no Sekai El Hazard 神秘の世界エルハザード Since the Community Anime Reviews site frequently has outage issues, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB note.” 😅 I