Remember, No Negima! Chapter 274 This Week
Just a reminder that Weekly Shounen Magazine, which publishes Negima!, is not having an issue released this week. As such, Negima! 274 won’t come out this week. I’ll keep an eye open for spoiler images of course but likely those wouldn’t appear until next week at the earliest (depending on when the magazine actually goes to print and someone grabs some cam shots).
In the meantime, here’s a poster of cover art. I wouldn’t mind more of Akamatsu-sensei’s cover art (and other promotional art he’s done in color) to end up as posters.
d, I know last week was double issue but 273 said “will be continued on next issue” instead of the break message we usually get when there is a double issue
We only get a break message when Akamatsu-sensei takes a week off but the magazine is being published. There was no break message because there’s no magazine this week. No magazine, no “Negima!’ ^_^;
I believe that after this week, we’ll get the final issue of the magazine and then no more until 2010. Hopefully, Akamatsu-sensei isn’t taking his week off as well otherwise it will be another 3-week break. ^_^;;;;
“remember, no negima this week”?!
No, i don’t remember because I never knew this terrible fact 🙁
But almost exactly a year ago, we saw Asuna and Anya.
Oh my god…
Did Negima always have so many breaks? I remember a time when we had a break every 5 chapters or so, now the frequencey seems to have risen to a break every 3 chapters… or was it just me? I feel we had very few chapters this year…
@Mastermack0 — that’s why I post these little reminders. ^_^
@Boo!? — “Negima!” didn’t used to take quite so many breaks, but at 40, Akamatsu-sensei says he can’t work the hours he used to. As a 40-year old myself, I can understand that. ^_^;;;
Regardless, Akamatsu-sensei does three weeks of chapters then takes a one-week break. Those one-week breaks aren’t vacations but are time for he and his staff to get a day off as well as get back in front of the production schedule. If that’s what it takes to provide a quality manga, then I’m all for it.
What I don’t know is if Akamatsu-sensei will take his normal break after the release of the 3rd chapter from his last personal break. He did last year and that’s why we had a 3-week break.
akamatsu deserves a break for his hard work
akamatsu desrves a break for his hard work at making my second fav manga
That poster is sweet i wouldnt mind having it, also it sucks theres no negima but i hope its worth it maybe next chapter we will get to see Rakans artifact the way it was meant to be =D or Takamichi will show his real power
I hope that we don’t get any three week break, it would be really frustrating.
On a side note, “AstroNerdBoy’s” are you really 40 years old like you mentioned in the 5th post to “Boo!?”.
Yeah, I’m an old man. *lol* ^_^;;;
Look at Negi, always mackin’ on the ladies, lolis or not.
I wish I could just forget about negima for half a year or so. Following (and waiting) week to week is torturous. I’m one of those people who like to read books in one sitting, watch shows a season at a time, etc. Nothing is worse than catching up and having to wait.
Well, Akamatsu dropping dead or something would be infinitely worse, but he seems pretty spry.
well its ok if there’s a break cause its very hard to draw even for professionals O.O well its ok just wait and we will be having a good chapter next week hehe.. go akamatsu-sensei have a break and give the next chapter all you’ve got LOL XD
@Drew — there was a chart created a few years ago about the biggest lady killers in anime/manga. I don’t remember where Negi was listed, but he made the chart back then and that was before his battle harem had grown so large.
@henwy — I too like reading books in one sitting. “Negima!” is one of those rare exceptions for me where I read it week-to-week. At least we do get it weekly. There are monthly titles out there. *lol*
@Ryuuji55 — True. ^_^