FUNimation has License Rescued “Excel Saga!”
NJ_ on the FUNimation forums noticed that had posted a new page for Excel Saga: Complete Series and listed FUNimation has the studio. I’m VERY suspicious of entries like this since Amazon has been known to allow fake and bootleg pages to be posted. So, I pinged Adam Sheehan to get confirmation.
ANB: Amazon is listing Excel Saga as a FUNi release next March. Is that legit?
Adam: That is.
Ilpalazzo-sama is VERY pleased and so is AstroNerdBoy. ^_^ Maybe this will be a 2011 birthday present since I was forced to sell my boxed set from ADV several years ago to pay off some medical bills. Amazon has the anime being released March 29, 2011. I wonder why FUNimation didn’t make an announcement about this (or if they did, I never knew of it)?
\o/ yes yes im very pleased too this is easily in my top 5 fav animes cant wait to get a copy
Excel Saga license rescue!? PEDRO IS SHOCKED!!!
Very yes! I never got to finish watching Excel Saga, and I too sold off the four volumes I had. I think I was planning on buying the cheap box set re-release instead of paying the $50 I would have buying the last two volumes, but I never got around to doing so. Looks like I got another chance.
I just noticed ANN credits you for breaking this news. Cool.
FUNimation hasn’t answered my question on extras so I’m not too hopeful that they’ll provide the pop-up translator notes that ADV had. I’ll be glad to be wrong.
FUNimation’s blog now announces this as well as Bubblegum Crisis 2040 and Noir.
Excel Saga is one of my favorites! They posted a very short post with some flying dogs on it saying more to come with just the names of the series for Bubblegum Crisis and Noir. ANN made an even larger announcement about it thanks to your post.
Its the second time I’ve broken news there. I was surprised when Anon mentioned it earlier in the comments.
I didn’t part with my copy of BGS2040 when I sold off a huge part of my anime collection years ago so no need to double dip there (since I doubt FUNimation would do anything to entice me). Never saw Noir.
I’m happy for you guys, though I’ve never been a fan of it myself (had the first DVD volume at one point). Just keep in mind – this series is done by the same guy that is probably responsible for screwing up GXP.
Oh, and 2032 Quincy eats 2040 Quincy as an appetizer before settling into his lunch…
(and yes, I know it was a manga series by someone else first, but what I’ve heard is that NB modified it quite a bit when he turned it into a TV series)