A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13 (Tides of War)

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13
とある科学の超電磁砲T episode 13

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis

Gensei gets the limiter unlock code from the suffocating Misaki. Outside, the growing in power Mikoto nonchalantly keeps Touma and Gunha at bay. Elsewhere, Kuroko attempts to find Mitori. Uiharu and Saten decide to use the spare camera spheres that were lying about to help Kuroko. However, they’ve gone missing. As such, they contact Kuroko.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Meanwhile, Mitori is using said cameras to monitor Kuroko’s every movement. She sends her liquid metal doll to attack, sending Kuroko over the railing, where she’s apparently dead in the lobby below. As such, she turns her attention to Mikoto to have her attack once more. Elsewhere, Gensei inputs the codes from Misaki.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Mitori is stunned when Kuroko shows up to confront her in person in the sewers. However, Mitori feels she has the advantage in the sewer tunnels. It limits Kuroko’s teleporting ability. As such, Mitori throws a knife at Kuroko. Contrary to expectations, Kuroko doesn’t teleport, but takes the blade in hand. Kuroko rushes in for a counter attack, injuring Mitori’s nose. Mitori attempts to attack, but Kuroko teleports to knock her out.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Back at the research facility, Gensei collapses, having fallen into Misaki’s final trap. This releases Misaki, who pieces together what she did to get one over on Gensei. It revolved around her fulfilling Gensei’s expectations. However, she used Mental Out on herself so that she believed the self-destruct code was the release code and then purge her memory of this. As such, Gensei caused Exterior to self-destruct.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Outside, Mikoto regains consciousness, but her body rages out of control. Touma prepares to stop her.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13


After a long break, we finally get back to Railgun goodness with A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Changes to the Source Material

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13 was adapted from the remaining pages of manga chapter 65, all of chapter 66, and a couple of pages of chapter 67. Outside of half the pages of chapter 65 having been previously adapted, there were no modifications to the actual manga story. And long time readers of this blog know how much I appreciate that.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Of course, the first five minutes of the episode were recap. No issue there since it had been a while since we last saw an episode.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

I’m so wasted from lack of sleep, so pardon me if I wrap up yammering about A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13.

  • I like how Saten and Uiharu are used in this episode. They aren’t battle people, but they are good support folks.
  • I loved Misaki’s plan to defeat Gensei. You have to admit, it is pretty gutsy to enact a plan that will not only wipe your own memory, but will cause you to lose the power booster you had.
  • When I read the story in the manga, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Mitori being connected to Dolly. But as I’ve watched the series, it is clear that this was set up from the start of the arc.
  • It is a shame Mikoto couldn’t have planted Touma into a wall or pavement. Oh well. We can’t always get what we want.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13

In the end, A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13 was an enjoyable episode.

A Certain Scientific Railgun T 13


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