TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04 (Kissing Game Plus)

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04
Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon Season 2 04
Tonikaku Kawaii S2/トニカクカワイイ

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Kaname gets Nasa to repair their vacuum. Aya barges in, wanting Nasa to tutor her. He finds the material super easy, but agrees to help her in spite of her lack of studying. Nasa continues to work while helping Aya. Tsukasa is impressed, so when Aya leaves, she gives Nasa a shoulder massage. Seeing how stiff his muscles are, Tsukasa has her husband lie down for a full back massage. Nasa enjoys it so much, he decides to return the favor. Tsukasa reluctantly agrees, but enjoys it just the same.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

Sometime later, Kaname produces a kissing list for Nasa. She demands to know about Nasa and Tsukasa’s kissing habits, but Nasa isn’t having it. Kaname gives the list to Nasa. The list defines what the different types of kisses mean. That evening, the couple go to the supermarket. Nasa sniffs the air to get his wife’s hair scent. This embarrasses Tsukasa, who would have let Nasa touch and sniff her if he asked.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

The two spot Yanagi-sensei and Taniguchi-sensei walking by the lake. As such, Nasa and Tsukasa hide while observing the teachers making out. Once Nasa and Tsukasa are back home, Tsukasa reveals she has the same kissing list as Nasa. To that end, the two begin working through the list. The next day, Kaname reveals she observed Nasa sniffing Tsukasa.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04


Man, it sucks that I’m so far behind, but 70+ hour work weeks will do that. Regardless, TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04 was full of more newlywed husband and wife stuff, plus a bit more.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

Modifications to the Source Material

In order to create TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04, material was taken from source manga chapters 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68. For the first 2/3 of the anime, the adaptation is pretty solid. There are a few minor things here and there, but nothing much. Then apparently, the anime production staff went, “Wait! We’re doing a straight adaptation. That’s BORING! We need to put our own stamp on things!”🙄😑

  • In the manga, when Nasa is observing his wife from behind, it is while she slices up watermelon for them to eat, not washing dishes. The anime replaces the watermelon scene for grapes and places it later in the episode.
  • In the manga, the night walk takes place on a different night. And it isn’t to get vegetables at a supermarket. It is just to check on the rebuilding progress of Nasa’s old apartment, and then a normal walk.
  • The teachers have verbal flirting and such in the manga. This was skipped in the anime.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

The manga story flow is better in that Nasa and Tsukasa immediately discuss and engage in kissing. The anime breaks the flow by moving Nasa’s hair sniffing up. Seven Arcs make a weak attempt to try to bridge the gap, but it makes no sense for Nasa to shift focus from kissing to hair sniffing.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

If Seven Arcs had let things be, it would have been a great adaptation. As it is, I’m highly annoyed because there was NO reason to break the flow and try to invent a new flow. 🤬

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

Marital Fun and More

Tired rage aside, there were a couple of marital bliss moments in TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04. The first came from Tsukasa giving Nasa a massage, then subsequently, Nasa giving her one in return. Next came Tsukasa and Nasa playing the kissing game. That’s all fine for what it was.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

Kaname did her usual trolling, which always amuses me. Aya’s lack of studying plight amused me as well. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Hayate the Combat Butler references remained. Not going to lie though, it still feels wrong for Hayate and Nagi to be a couple. 😅 Beyond that, the anime is what it is — fun fluff.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04 would have been a nice adaptation if Seven Arcs didn’t feel the need to change things ’cause “reasons”. There’s lots of marital fluff in here, but also some comedy thanks to Aya and Kaname.

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04

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2 Responses to “TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 04 (Kissing Game Plus)”

  1. Kevin Random says:

    I discover this anime thanks to your summaries on your blog and I find it super nice to do this. By the way, I saw that you did some summaries on the series Lupin The Third before stopping abruptly, do you plan to continue the summaries of this franchise ?

    If so, I noticed that a certain “The French Lupin III Fan” has already made you think about finishing the episodes of the part before continuing to do those of the part 3, and finally do those of the part 2.

    I want to say that I agree with him, it will be easier than to summarize first the part 2 and then the part 3. But, otherwise your summaries are great to read.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’m glad to be of help. I’m sorry I’m behind though as work keeps me insanely busy.

      saw that you did some summaries on the series Lupin The Third before stopping abruptly, do you plan to continue the summaries of this franchise ?

      Absolutely! Just gotta find the time. 😅

      Thanks for writing!

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