Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255 (Studying)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255
Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 255
トニカクカワイイ 255

Spoiler Summary/Synopsis:

Kaname compliments Nasa on his ability to teach. Elsewhere, Himari does her nails and tells Asimo that studying is boring. Asimo tells her that there’s supposed to be a memorization technique created by the monk Kuukai (Mao). However, when she learns the lengths Kuukai went through to obtain it, she gives up and collapses on the couch. She asks about Asimo’s contest with Nasa.

Meanwhile, Nasa got a 416 out of 440 on his practice exam to Toudai. He needs to study harder to defeat Asimo. In that light, Nasa understands that Asimo must really like Himari to do what he’s doing. Tsukasa asks why Nasa doesn’t just let him win. However, Nasa refuses to do so.

Back at Himari’s apartment, she naps on the couch. Asimo marvels at how defenseless she is. At that moment, Himari’s guardian (and friend of Yanagi-sensei) enters the apartment and demands to know who he is.


We get the theme of studying in Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255. A small part of the chapter relates to Nasa studying for the entrance exam. Here, we see that even though he should let Asimo win, he won’t do it, even if it means killing Asimo’s chances with Himari.

Then there’s Himari and Asimo studying for the entrance exam. Himari doesn’t want to do it. So Hata-sensei uses this as a mechanism to remind us that the multi-chapter arc he did on Mao still has relevance of some sort. 😂

Regardless, Himari takes a nap with Asimo in the room. And then we get the unnamed friend of Yunagi-sensei show up. I called her a guardian as she entered the room as if she owned it. Maybe she’ll get a name.

Finally, the official adaptation for this manga is so horribly cringe. At this point, I think AI would do a better job than the trash written on the page. But, that’s why I refuse to buy the Viz fetid garbage.

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255

Final Th0ughts and Conclusion

In the end, Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255 gets us back to where we were and slightly pushes forward the Asimo vs. Nasa arc in an enjoyable way.

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2 Responses to “Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 255 (Studying)”

  1. arimareiji says:

    Just wondering, how tempting is it to comment on Hata-sensei tossing in a little more spice than usual when he was cooking chapter 285? (^_~)

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