Please Twins OVA Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

Please Twins OVA Review
Onegai Twins OVA

Since the Community Anime Reviews site is very unstable of late, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

–> Buy Please Twins BD Collection on!

Community Anime Review of Please Twins OVA

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 10-Jun-2004.)

Please Twins OVAAh, the lolicon crowd should get a huge charge out of seeing Karen naked a few times. Fortunately, this doesn’t just do the ecchi, but actually tries to capture some of the spirit of Onegai Teacher, but the ecchi weighs heavily on this title.

Working the romance between Karen and Maiku was nice and the love-triangle appears to be nicely resolved (finally). However, that’s not the reason I enjoyed this title as much as I did. It was the inclusion of the entire Please Teacher cast that made this such a delight. Not only that, but all of that cast (including Kei) had at least a small speaking role. Sadly, Kei still addresses Mizuho as “Sensei”, but it didn’t annoy me like it did in the TV series. I guess it has become a term of endearment for them.

There are a few laughs, mostly at Matagu’s expense. He has more bloody noses than most other anime characters. As one might expect, most of the jokes are ecchi in nature. However, there is a great joke revolving around Kaede and Hyosuke. Too bad Marie didn’t have more than a brief cameo.

Bottom line:

Worth seeing just to see the Onegai Teacher cast back. The resolution of the Karen-Miina-Maiku love triangle gives the series a nice conclusion. Too bad it is so ecchi.

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2 Responses to “Please Twins OVA Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)”

  1. Carl Ogan says:

    If you’re going to purchase copies of Please Teacher & Please Twins then don’t forget to pickup the third Amine in this series that came out on the 10th anniversary of Please Teacher (created by the same team as Please Teacher & Please Twins) it’s called : Waiting In The Summer – it stars our favorite alien teacher when she comes to Earth by herself when she is only 16 years old. Apparently she has come looking for something. It didn’t get much advertising in the USA. In it’s not even on Crunchyroll here in the USA. So complete your collection with Waiting In The Summer

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