魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 31 Chapter 277 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 277 Negima! Manga Vol 31 Ch 277 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Nodoka watches as Craig is turned into large flakes. As the large, hooded mage chants a new incantation, Aisha rushes to push Nodoka out of the way only to be hit with a “Rewrite”
Posts Tagged ‘魔法先生ネギま’

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 276 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 276 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 276 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 276 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mana attempts to get Shiori-Asuna to safety but Shiori-Asuna protests since there are people that need help, citing the child Yue and her knight companions are protecting. Mana tells Shiori-Asuna that this isn’t in

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 275 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 275 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 275 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 275 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As the summoned creatures emerge, Yue and the other knight trainees work to save a young girl. However, only Yue’s magic seems to have any effect on the summoned creatures. After saving the girl,

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 274 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 274 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 274 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the talks between Negi and Kurt officially over, Paru tells the girls it is time to flee as the army prepares to arrest them all. Paru’s ship arrives as Sayo uses one of Paru’s creations, a Sagitta Magica Mini Gun,

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 273 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 273 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 273 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 273 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the talks between Negi and Kurt over, Haruna announces it is time for them to leave and Setsuna directs Ku Fei and Kotaro to back up Negi. To Setsuna’s amazement, someone shows up

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 272 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 272 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 272 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 272 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Jack finds his arms being apparently dissolved and immediately thinks of Asuna with the incredible power being used against him. As at least one of his legs begins to be “removed,” Fate tells Jack

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 271 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 271 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 271 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 271 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Fate’s and Jack Rakan’s fight appears to be coming to an end with Jack on top when Fate summons a staff in the shape of a key with a world globe at one end.

Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 270 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 30 Chapter 270 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 270 Negima! Manga Vol 30 Ch 270 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Gödel’s story over, Nodoka uses her artifact to determine that he was in love with Arika. Gödel decides that now Negi has seen the accurate story of what happened with Arika and Nagi,