A Look at “Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build The Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!!” Manga Various Title Names ガチャを回して仲間を増やす 最強の美少女軍団を作り上げろ Gacha o Mawashite Nakama o Fuyasu Saikyou no Bishoujo Gundan o Tsukuriagero (romaji) Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build the Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!! (literal translation) You Increase Families and Make
Posts Tagged ‘Isekai’

A Look at “Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build The Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!!” Manga

Back to the Vaults: Those Who Hunt Elves 2 (Containing the funniest anime episode I’ve ever seen!)

Back to the Vaults: Those Who Hunt Elves 2 Once I had watched the Those Who Hunt Elves DVDs from ADV way back when, I went ahead and proceeded with the DVD for Those Who Hunt Elves 2. After all, I was curious to see the episode from whence my avatar originated. Boy, was I

Back to the Vaults: Those Who Hunt Elves

Back to the Vaults: Those Who Hunt Elves Back when I first got into anime way back in 2002 (Where does the time go? 😅), I did a search on Amazon to see what kind of anime existed. One title that popped up on the first page of the results were the two DVD’s for