Don’t Toy with Me, Nagatoro-san Manga Review Please Don’t Bully Me, Nagatoro-san Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san イジらないで、長瀞さん Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro A few years ago, I took a gender at the Don’t Toy with Me, Nagatoro-san manga. I really liked the manga, but I wasn’t as keen on the anime adaptation. However, now that the
Posts Tagged ‘First Look’

A Look At “Kusunoki-san Failed Her High School Debut” Manga

A Look At “Kusunoki-san Failed Her High School Debut” Manga 楠木さんは高校デビューに失敗している Kusunoki-san wa Koukou Debut ni Shippai shite Iru She is (not) a cool girl (in high school) I’ve probably mentioned this before, but one of the great thing about following mangaka on Twitter (X) is that they will sometimes retweet stuff from other artists.

A First Look at “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End”

A First Look at Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Sousou no Frieren 葬送のフリーレン Frieren, the Final Farewell to the Dead (literal) For some time now, I’ve seen posts on Twitter about a silver haired, female elf mage and some companions. Sometimes it is a party of four (with two human males and one dwarf male )

Adorable Child Shark Manga! (Odekake Kozame by @Penguinbox1)

Adorable Child Shark Manga! (Odekake Kozame) I know that Twitter can be an utter cesspool at times. And yet, there are still places on Twitter that are awesome beyond belief. I found such a spot with Japanese Twitter user @Penguinbox1 (ペンギンボックス) and his creation, Odekake Kozame (おでかけ子ザメ). Penguin Box The Japanese artist/manga-ka Penguin Box has

Google Does a JRPG

Google Does a JRPG From time to time, Google has been known to put some game on their home page. Ususally, this is to celebrate some thing or other. In this case, Google has created a game called Doodle Champion Island. The game has been done in the style of an old school JRPG (Japanese

A First Look at “Nukenai Seiken-chan”

A First Look at “Nukenai Seiken-chan” Since I’m behind due to work, I thought I’d do a piece on a manga title that is…well, so full of double entendre, sexual innuendo, and clearly a parody of hentai situations, all while in reality, being nothing sexual…at least for the main character. And that title is Nukenai

A Look at “Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build The Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!!” Manga

A Look at “Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build The Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!!” Manga Various Title Names ガチャを回して仲間を増やす 最強の美少女軍団を作り上げろ Gacha o Mawashite Nakama o Fuyasu Saikyou no Bishoujo Gundan o Tsukuriagero (romaji) Spin Gacha, Recruit New Comrades, and Build the Strongest Army of Beautiful Girls!! (literal translation) You Increase Families and Make

A First Look at “Nicola’s Leisurely Demon World Travelogue” (Update: Licensed by Seven Seas as “Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World”)

A First Look at “Nicola’s Leisurely Demon World Travelogue” Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Nikora no Oyururi Makai Kikou ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 Sometimes, one stumbles into a rare gem of a manga title. Such is the case with Nicola’s Leisurely Demon World Travelogue, or Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World as it will be known by Seven Seas.