Karyl Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive) Hey gang! Still playing Princess Connect! Re:Dive. I finally scored my second, six star character, Karyl (Kary-chan). She’s been quite useful in game nodes. Below is the video showing how I got her. I try to stream Princess Connect! Re:Dive Tuesday through Friday at 6:30pm PT. For
Posts Tagged ‘mobile game’

Pecorine Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)

Pecorine Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive) Hey gang! My small vacation from work is over. Now it is back to the old grind. However, before vacation ended, I did unlock my first six star character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. Pretty excited about that. Now I just need to get some gear for her. I try

Progress Report 05 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive

Progress Report 05 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive Hey gang. I took some time off work to take care of a ton of things that had been piling up around the house as well as in my personal life. But I’m still playing Princess Connect! Re:Dive and thought I’d put out a progress report video, howbeit

Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Guide: EXP at Max Level (#PrincessConnectReDive)

Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Guide: EXP at Max Level As someone who plays Princess Connect! Re:Dive, whenever I learn new things, I like to share them. So in this video, I explain what happens to experience rewards and experience earned in PvE stuff after you hit level cap. It is more for new folks who

Progress Report 04 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive

Progress Report 04 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive Hi, everybody! Work is still busy as all get out. Nevertheless, I’ve done pretty well keeping up with the blog. And I’ve even managed to keep up playing Princess Connect! Re:Dive. Since I recently hit level cap, I thought I’d do another progress video for you to check

Progress Report 03 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive

Progress Report 03 – Princess Connect! Re:Dive Hey gang! Despite my limited free time, I still play the Princess Connect! Re:Dive mobile game. I only play casually, so it doesn’t take much of my time. Character events take a bit longer, but not too bad. While I do have problems with the game, on the

Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Progress Report #2

Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Progress Report #2 Hey gang! I’ve continued to play the Princess Connect! Re:Dive mobile game. I’m only playing casually, so I spend about 30 minutes in the game (a bit more time during some events). But I thought I’d provide a progress report to those interested. Plus, it was a quick

Shops for New Players (#PrincessConnectReDive)

Shops for New Players (#PrincessConnectReDive) Hey gang! I know hardly anyone plays the Princess Connect! Re:Dive mobile game. However, I did start after the second season of the anime adaptation. It doesn’t take a lot of time to play (thankfully), so it is something I do when I need a mindless break from work. That