Posts Tagged ‘Natsu no Arashi Manga’

Natsu no Arashi Volume 03

Natsu no Arashi Volume 03 Manga Review

Natsu no Arashi Volume 03 Manga Review 夏のあらし! Summer Storm Welp, it is time to return to the world of time traveling “ghosts” and their human companions. Shame this manga was never licensed (well, from what I read so far). The Story, in Brief Hajime and Hideo head to the mansion where the aggressive Kanako

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Natsu no Arashi Volume 02

Natsu no Arashi Volume 02 Manga Review

Natsu no Arashi Volume 02 Manga Review 夏のあらし! Summer Storm I’ve long wanted to read the Natsu no Arashi manga since I really enjoyed the anime adaptation. I started working on a volume 1 review, then I discovered I’d already done it in 2011. 😅 Oh well, time to reread that volume, then move forward

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