Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 14, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop. **********UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 14 SPOILERS********** I guess we haven’t seen the last of Wrecking Ball after all. Being that this is an Akamatsu title, we “gots” to get the nekid fanservice in one way or the
Posts Tagged ‘Other’

UQ Holder Chapter 7 SPOILER Images (Update #1)

OK, here’s the first SPOILER images from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 7, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop. *SPOILERS* From Southrop: This is the leader of #UQHolder, Shishido Jibee (宍戸甚兵衛) This reminds me of something I’ve seen before, almost like the old dude from Fairy Tail. And the Mahora chick (Karin): Heh! Kuroumaru and

UQ Holder Chapter 3 SPOILER Images (Updated)

OK, here are a combination of SPOILER images for chapter 3 of UQ Holder, taken from Japanese and Chinese sources. SPOILERS! Admiral Akbar to the bridge! We have a TRAP on the loose! *lol* As an aside, I see there is debate on whether this is a true trap, or a clever reverse trap.

BK Japan to Sell "Premium KURO Burger" Next Week

Hey y’all! I’m always amazed by the awesome, and sometimes not so awesome, items that the Japanese people can get from their Western fast food joints. This one is no exception. For their 5th anniversary of their return to Japan, on September 28, 2012, Burger King Japan is going to sell what they are calling

Remembering 9/11/2011 (No anime/manga posts today as a result of this.)

No anime/manga post today as I remember the events of 9/11/2001. I have made a rather large post on my personal blog, which you can read there. God be with the friends and family of those who lost loved ones in this tragic event.
New Template — Feedback Requested

Whew! OK, I just finished toying around with this new template to see if I’d even like it. I’m wondering though if there are problems such as the side-bar not loading (or very slow), the background image in the main part of the blog not loading or very slow to load, etc. So if you
An Amazing, Record-Shattering Day!

Wow. Back on the 8th, I had a record day for blog hits and I thought that wouldn’t be broken for quite a while. However, today was off the scale, making my record from the 8th seem small indeed! There were four hours in a row today where the hourly hit record kept being smashed
Amazing! Thank You All!

The stats from September are in and this blog saw another record month with an amazing 35% increase in traffic. ^_^ The main sources of the increase come from AnimeNano (you guys rock!) and from more people looking for Negima! information from all over the world. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue to fill the