D-Frag! Volume 06 ディーふらぐ! D-Fragments 06 –> Purchase from Amazon.com ***SPOILERS*** In brief, an injured Kenji gets taken to the Doctor’s office, where a lot of weirdos are in the waiting room. Kenji is taking a morning soak on a non-school day when the members of his club show up at his home along with
Posts Tagged ‘Seven Seas’

A Certain Scientific Railgun Vol. 11 Manga Review

とある科学の超電磁砲(レールガン)/Toaru Kagaku no Railgun A Certain Scientific Railgun Vol. 11 (manga review) –> Buy From Amazon.com! SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mikoto’s feud with Misaki continues. One of Misaki’s followers (Harusaki), who also likes Gekota, gives Mikoto an Indian Poker card as a thanks an apology for recent events. Using the card, Mikoto is able to have

D-Frag! Volume 05 Manga Review

D-Frag! Volume 05 ディーふらぐ! D-Fragments 05 Buy D-Frag! Volume 05 from Amazon! ***SPOILERS*** Well, time for another dive into the insane comedy manga known as D-Frag volume 05. 😀 For the first story, Nao attempts to deliver a bento to her brother, but encounters Takao, then Roka, which leads to the bento being destroyed. Nao

D-Frag! Volume 04 Manga Review

D-Frag! Volume 04 ディーふらぐ! D-Fragments 04 –> Buy D-Frag! Volume 04 from Amazon.com ***SPOILERS*** Lets get the D-Frag! volume 04 goodness started with a very brief synopsis of the events in the volume. Kenji and Takao are called in front of the teachers, not because of the competition for Roka’s bag, but because Takao’s zipper

D-Frag! Volume 03 Manga Review

D-Frag! Volume 03 ディーふらぐ! D-Fragments 03 –> Buy D-Frag! Volume 03 from Amazon.com ***SPOILERS*** In brief, Roka develops a sci-fi board game about collecting dirty magazines and forces Kenji to get Takao to play with them, causing him to owe Takao a favor for nothing. Roka and Chitose crash Kenji’s class at lunch to force

Evergreen Volume 4 Manga Review (Finale)

Evergreen Volume 4 Manga Review ***SPOILERS*** Niki and Hotaku go on their date to the festival. When they kiss, Niki suddenly realizes Hotaku is her half-brother, for whom her father abandoned her to return to because of Hotaku’s heart condition. This causes her to flee, filled with confusion since she’d blamed her half-brother for her

D-Frag! Volume 02 Manga Review

D-Frag! Volume 02 ディーふらぐ! D-Fragments 02 –> Buy D-Frag! Volume 02 from Amazon.com ***MILD SPOILERS*** Because I had enjoyed the first D-Frag manga so much, it wasn’t a hard decision to go into the second manga. It continues the awesomeness the first manga started. In brief, D-Frag! volume 02 sees Kazama protect Takao from the

Evergreen Volume 3 Manga Review

Evergreen Volume 3 Manga Review ***SPOILERS*** Soga confronts Niki over her treatment of Hotaku. Niki gets angry over this, then discovers Hotaku is at the pool, so she runs away until she collapses. She’s found by Hotaku, where she confesses her love for him before being taken off on a stretcher. The next day, Niki