Uchuu Senkan Yamato Episode 02宇宙戦艦ヤマト Ep. 02 (TV, Anime) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The Earth Defense Force HQ is losing contact with the underground cities around the world, leading Captain Okita to inquire about the progress on the Yamato. In the sick bay, Yuki bandages up Susumu after he and Daisuke were rescued. They are paid a
Posts Tagged ‘Space Battleship Yamato’
Space Battleship Yamato 01

Uchuu Senkan Yamato Episode 01宇宙戦艦ヤマト Ep. 01 (TV, Anime) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is 2199 and Earth has been under attack from a planet known as Gamilus, who’ve made the surface of Earth uninhabitable (and contain no surface water) due to their radioactive meteor bombs. Earth Defense Force Fleet is patrolling the solar system when they