Wolverine – 06 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Cyclops arrives in the modified SR-71 and picks up Logan and Yukio, sarcastically commenting on Logan’s selfish summonings as if Cyclops were a taxi driver. Their bickering makes Yukio wonder about them, but Logan claims they are best friends, something Cyclops finds surprising. He agrees to fly them to Madripoor
Posts Tagged ‘Wolverine’

Wolverine – 05

Wolverine – 05 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Things seem almost over for Logan until he kicks a piece of shattered glass at Omega Red, hitting him in the face and distracting him enough for Logan to attack. Their fight goes down to the streets below when a device on Omega Red’s suit goes off. Yukio throws her

Wolverine – 04

Wolverine – 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Omega Red has Logan secured in his carbonadium tentacles, Yukio can do nothing but continue to lob molotov cocktails down while Asano’s team takes down the yakuza and attempts to secure some of the cargo as evidence. Meanwhile, Logan manages to kick open a door on the ship to

Wolverine – 03

Wolverine – 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kikyo drops from the roof to the parking lot and he and Logan begin to battle. The fight goes to the street before Logan chases Kikyo to the top of another building where it continues. The fight is pretty even but Kikyo shows he can do long distance wind attacks

Wolverine – 02

Wolverine – 02 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The poisoned Logan manages to remove the now emptied dart from his back and launches an attack and launches an attack at Shigen, destroying the man’s boken. However, before Logan can make the kill, the toxins within him prove too much and he falls unconscious. Shigen sends his daughter out

Wolverine – 01 (Review)

Wolverine – 01 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: On a docked yacht in New York, Logan is with his girlfriend Mariko when they are attacked by professional killers and in the process, Mariko is taken. A year later, Logan saves his visiting Japanese cop friend, Asano, from being killed by a group of soldiers from Advanced Idea Mechanics.

I guess I’ll Watch a Couple of New Anime Titles This Winter

For the last two seasons, I’ve pretty much passed on any new anime as none of it really grabbed me and I’ve got a MASSIVE backlog of anime to still work through. ^_^; However, this season, two titles have caught my eye. Wolverine is a title I’ve decided to try to watch since I have