Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 325 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 35 Chapter 325 (manga)
Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 325

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 325Despite Fate’s decision not to hear what Negi has to say, Negi wants to say it anyway. Negi asks if Fate’s decision is based on the fact that the natives of the Magic World are dolls — mere illusions. Fate confirms this, leading Negi to challenge Fate’s decision to save Shiori and the others.  Negi wants to be Fate’s friend since to him, it doesn’t matter whether someone is a doll or human. Fate refuses, stating that he would rather finish this enjoyable battle and holds out his hand. Negi takes it and shakes, but it is a trap and the two start expelling enormous energy in a handshake battle. Chamo is very worried about this as at that close range, a large spell could destroy the opponent.

Fate and Negi grip hands and ready massive spells, Negi readies a Thousand Thunderbolts spell and Fate a Tearing Earth spell — the confrontation of lightning and lava.  As the power levels from their spell casting increases, both Fate and Negi are surprised as they are suddenly witness to an event twenty years in the past at that very location. There, the Lifemaker is using a telescope to observe the gathered members of Ala Rubra.  Fate of the past asks his master about the use of the telescope as the Lifemaker pulls back the hood and reveals a female form. Fate wants her to go inside the Gravekeeper’s Palace as Ala Rubra will be coming soon.

The Lifemaker inquires about Nagi and Fate provides some biographical information that Nagi came from the Old World and England. Nagi is from no notable family and there’s nothing special about him going back seven generations. The Lifemaker has no problem with this so Fate points out that Nagi is an idiot with power who beats down anything in his way and moves forward.  The Lifemaker says that this is what a human is and that it would be more enjoyable to do things as this fool would do them as her 2600 years of existence attest to. With that, she heads inside with Fate in tow and tells him that she’s depending on him.

In the fight between Nagi and the Lifemaker, Nagi wins as an apparently injured Fate observes.  When Fate awakens, someone appearing to be Zecht gives “Tertium” a good morning.


With a great deal of this chapter dealing with Fate and Negi fighting, there’s naught much to comment on there though it would be interesting to see what would win — lightning or lava.  ^_^

Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 325The thing of interest here is the flashback sequence.  I’m not sure how this is happening although the place where they are standing combined with the insane levels of power caused it, though why Fate’s memories of those specific events would come to the surface are a mystery (and ultimately unimportant, right?).

So, assuming Akamatsu-sensei isn’t having fun with us, it would seem that the Mage of the Beginning, aka: the Lifemaker, is a woman.  Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if she were Amaterasu Amateru based on her comments regarding humanity.  I got the sense that she was not human but I highly doubt she’s an artificial being either.  Since mazoku exists in this world (Zazie and her sister as well as Mana) as well as artificial, “magical” beings, then it stands to reason that a counter race to the mazoku would exist as well — the “kami” (or in a female case, “megami“).  I’m looking forward to learning more about that.

Still, if the Lifemaker is female, then that certainly puts a twist on Nagi beating the heck out of the Lifemaker since he’s beating a woman.

How does Zecht fit into all of this?  There have been many who’ve theorized that Zecht was actually an enemy.  It has also been theorized that Zecht might be the “chibi-mage.”  Since it appears that Zecht is the one who awakened Fate on the last page of the chapter, it would seem that this theory might be correct.  So, how does Zecht fit into all of this?  Could he be related to the Lifemaker since he is also very old, nearly as old as her?

Now, there are some other questions.  For starters, if the female at the beginning is the Lifemaker and the Lifemaker was sealed under the World Tree 10 years later, then what happened to bring her back to life after Nagi defeated her 20 years ago?  How does she tie in with Eva, meaning when Eva was turned into a vampire, did she have a prior relationship with Eva?

I must admit, the mind reels at the implications here and the thought that we may get some answers, even if it takes a while.  At the same time, I still cannot shake the feeling that we are in the final arc but maybe I’m wrong and there’s one more to come.

I’m really looking forward to whatever answers are coming in chapter 326.

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23 Responses to “Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 325 Review”

  1. Krono says:

    So, assuming Akamatsu-sensei isn’t having fun with us, it would seem that the Mage of the Beginning, aka: the Lifemaker, is a woman.

    Personally I can’t tell if the Lifemaker is a woman or a pretty boy.

  2. Manae says:

    I’m not so much thinking Negi and Fate are both seeing this past event, but instead that it’s simply going in to Fate’s memories a bit. It does have that whole black behind the frames thing going on that Akamatsu-sensei uses to signify such things as memories and dreams.

  3. AstroNerdBoy says:

    *lol* Considering the new Genshiken, anything is possible. ^_^;;;

  4. Neowulf says:

    Interesting chapter,I’m glad we dig a little in some of the unanswered questions ;-).
    Among some theories I’ve heard is that the Lifemaker survives because she, for the lack of a beter term, ‘posseses’ other bodies. Now, regarding her ‘2600years’ comment, didn’t Zect say something among those lines to Nagi in a flashback some time ago? ‘Hero, know my 2600 years of despair’

    Glad that the story is moving on, can’t wait for the next chapter.

  5. ivanov_2020 says:

    off topic:
    @anb: i wonder if you should also made a review of “Negiho (Ito) Bun”?

  6. si0n says:

    My theory is the Lifemaker jumps from body to body upon ‘death’ of it’s host. Thus the ‘ceaselessness’ and the need for immortality and the experiments on Eva.

    Thus why Zecht suddenly turned suddenly and started to speak like the Lifemaker (the 2,600 years of despair speech). Also why he now has the ability to resurrect the Averruncus series.

    After the Lifemaker’s defeat and the sacrifice of a hero, I think that Alberio took the Lifemaker entity into himself and sealed himself under Mahora. He does state several times that he ‘sleeps’ under Mahora, just like the Lifemaker is doing now.

    That or Nagi is the new Lifemaker, and Alberio just is using his powers as the seal.

    Anyway, Thanks for the reviews. Love reading them. 🙂

  7. arimareiji says:

    si0n: Yup. It’s looking increasingly likely that Akamatsu-sensei is carrying out yet another homage to Final Fantasy (in this case, Sin from X). But my bet is on Nagi having taken the Lifemaker, and Al’s warning Eva, the headmaster, and others that he’s about to come back.

  8. shadow_s_writer says:

    First, the Lifemaker being female does make sense, as making life, IE given birth, is the main role of that half the humanity.

    Second, one type of immorality is call resurrection, that beening not being deathless, but being able to comeback to life after dying. This way Nagima, and Eva could have both ‘killed’ the lifemaker and her still being alive. This might be difficult in the non magical world, but in the magical one on Mars, one that operates much as computer simulation does, resurrection is more of a rebooting of a crashed program.

    Third, Zecht present at Fate’s ‘rebirth’ does not mean he was allied with the ‘enemy.’ It might mean that he and Fate were the ‘best of enemies’, being both friend and foe at the same time.

  9. Marlon says:

    If I recall correctly, one of the translators said that Zecht did not say those lines during Ala Rubra’s attack on the palace. Maybe the”2600 years” monologue was the Lifemaker’s.

    I have a theory (weird it might seem):

    Twenty years ago, Zecht was able to seal the Lifemaker. Then, ten years later, the seal broke, requiring another sacrifice (this could either be Nagi or Al).

    If it was Nagi, then this explains why he wasn’t there to watch Negi grow. And if he’s just as good as Jack Rakan, then Nagi’s defense of Negi in the village was a temporary escape out of sheer willpower.

    In the case of Al, then this would explain why only a “hologram” of his was the only thing that the others can interact with (it was obvious during Negi and co. tea visit after the school festival. When Eva tried to slice Al, it went through him.)

  10. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Its going to be roughly another day before I get back home and can take time to read comments but I did just get volume 29 in the mail and that has the Zecht chapter where he fades away after speaking with Nagi about the 2600 years. I’ll have to read the official translation now and make some comments at that time.

  11. Anonymous says:

    where did you guys read this? It has yet to post on any site I have checked.

  12. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Now, regarding her ‘2600years’ comment, didn’t Zect say something among those lines to Nagi in a flashback some time ago? ‘Hero, know my 2600 years of despair’

    The official translation has this as, “Hero, feel our despair of 2600 years.”

    off topic:
    @anb: i wonder if you should also made a review of “Negiho (Ito) Bun”

    I’ll look into it but no promises. ^_^

    My theory is the Lifemaker jumps from body to body upon ‘death’ of it’s host.

    That’s possible. However, there’s an implication in the manga that Zecht is already old. I can’t remember the chapter off hand but there’s a reference to him as being an old youkai. Plus, how would a child be a master? We already knew how powerful Nagi was yet Nagi referred to Zecht as “Master.”

    Also, you are forgetting that Zecht dissolved and that suggests he “died” in that present form. However, unlike other artificial constructs, I think that Zecht is eternal as is the Lifemaker. That’s different from immortality where a person does not die. A “ceaseless” (eternal) being here would seem to be one who can die but is brought back to life. Sci-fi and fantasy have explored the notion of people who die and then are brought back. Heck, I recently saw a Deep Space Nine episode where two clans were imprisoned on a moon to fight for all eternity. They could be hurt and experience painful deaths but a little while later, their bodies would come back to life and they’d have to recover from their other injuries.

    So, for the Lifemaker to experiment on Eva, I agree that it would be in such a way to turn themselves into immortal beings that cannot die. While Eva has not lived as long as 2600 years, she has come to terms with her immortality while the Lifemaker and Zecht would appear to have issues with being eternal but not immortal.

    So, my own thoughts are that in order to keep the Lifemaker from being resurrected, she was sealed at Mahora. I think that Zecht will be the chibi-mage on Mars who was wanting her released while at the same time ending the Magic World. I think that this is why Al was kept below Mahora.

    Now, whether Nagi is down there or not remains to be seen. I’ve seen some evidence that would support that theory but not enough to make me believe it yet.

  13. AstroNerdBoy says:

    …my bet is on Nagi having taken the Lifemaker, and Al’s warning Eva, the headmaster, and others that he’s about to come back.

    It’s possible but I think that Nagi won’t show up until the very end of the manga.

    First, the Lifemaker being female does make sense, as making life, IE given birth, is the main role of that half the humanity.

    I agree.

    Second, one type of immorality is call resurrection, that beening not being deathless, but being able to comeback to life after dying. This way Nagima, and Eva could have both ‘killed’ the lifemaker and her still being alive. This might be difficult in the non magical world, but in the magical one on Mars, one that operates much as computer simulation does, resurrection is more of a rebooting of a crashed program.

    I agree (and bloviated about it earlier).

    Third, Zecht present at Fate’s ‘rebirth’ does not mean he was allied with the ‘enemy.’ It might mean that he and Fate were the ‘best of enemies’, being both friend and foe at the same time.

    I agree with this too. My thoughts are that Zecht is the chibi-mage and the he and the Lifemaker are responsible for the creation of the Fate units. I think both have different approaches to the Magic World problem and their eternal existence problem. The Lifemaker created CE and started wars. Zecht joined with Ala Rubra and even trained the most powerful human mage known to exist in an effort to achieve either death or true immortality whereby they do not have to go through the death process.

    If I recall correctly, one of the translators said that Zecht did not say those lines during Ala Rubra’s attack on the palace. Maybe the”2600 years” monologue was the Lifemaker’s.

    In volume 29, the flashback sequence has Zecht addressing a wounded Nagi and say, “Humans are past help. Hero, feel our 2600 years of despair. Goodbye.” At that point, Zecht dissolves in a similar manner to all Magic World inhabitants, only without the petals.

    In the case of Al, then this would explain why only a “hologram” of his was the only thing that the others can interact with (it was obvious during Negi and co. tea visit after the school festival. When Eva tried to slice Al, it went through him.)

    Well, to me, there’s no doubt that Al is an artificial, magical construct who is only able to exist under the World Tree except when it is brimming with magic. Even then, he never emerged from underground, only his projection did. I think it is still his projection that is out now and his real body is still trapped under the World Tree.

    I think that the Magic World problem is the reason for Cocone’s designation as an experimental immigrant. It was revealed that she was from the Magic World and implied that she might not be human. That would explain why she is Misora’s master, especially if she is somehow related to Theo’s race. Regardless, a means by which Magic World beings living on Earth had to be established so that they could function without the aide of the Magic World. I suspect a combination of magic and technology (going back to AI Love You) is the solution that’s being tested.

  14. AstroNerdBoy says:

    where did you guys read this? It has yet to post on any site I have checked.

    Sorry…almost missed this. CanonRap has provided a translation for those willing to read that while looking at the raw.

  15. junior says:

    I don’t think that was Lifemaker/ Mage of the Beginning with the telescope. The “Master” in question appears to be the same woman who stopped Sextum in chapter 314 by putting her hand through Sextum’s chest. Similar to Fate in the flashback, Dynamis addressed her as “Master” in chapter 314. And at the end of that sequence, she calls Negi her descendent.

    Or in other words, as confirmed in the flashback here, she’s someone who’s much older than she looks…

    And based on her appearence in chapter 314, it appears that she’s an ancestor of the Ostian royal family.

    Which, of course, begs the question – After seeing Nagi, did she decide to manipulate events so that Negi’s parents would meet and fall in love…?


  16. Anonymous says:

    the problem is the person in ch314 seems very short while the flashback character is much taller than Fate

  17. junior says:

    True. Which is a bit odd considering that her known descendents have a decent amount of height (aside from Negi, of course, because he’s still only ten years old…).

    She does look an awful lot like the female in the flashback, though, imo.

  18. NickT1412 says:

    Hey AstroNerdBoy,
    I just saw the raw scans for ch 326 (from MangaHead) and it looks like its going to be a Fate Arc, showing us Fate’s memories of what happened 10 years ago (finally!!). Im starting to think that the mage sealed at the bottom of the world tree might be the second Fate. It pretty much confirmed that the chibi mage REALLY is Zecht (from what I saw in 326) and im guessing that he is now the new Lifemaker, so it has to be someone else that was sealed. Also, the end of ch 308, Fate says “The only task left will be HIS resurrection, huh”. I dont think Fate would talk about his master like that, its most likely about someone he finds annoying (2nd Fate). In the end, im just guessing on most of this, so hopefully no one takes this too serious.
    Also, on a different topic, I wanted to comment on the Negi=Nagi theory. You pointed out many things but the one thing that makes me believe its true is that something happened to Nagi 10 years ago and Negi is 10 years old. Its been mentioned many times that something important happened in that time, so theres a chance that the “transformation”(?) took place there. I know that theres many loopholes but I think its something to consider. And if it ends up being true, maybe Negi=Nagi, Ayaka=Arika, and Yuuna=Yuuna’s mother (that way, it wouldnt be too weird on how much she likes her dad lol). I know that this theory is blown out of of proportion, but like you (AstroNerdBoy), I wont be disappointed if its wrong, its just something fun to think about while waiting for the next chapter. Hopefully we find out if its true or not in the next couple of chapters.

  19. AstroNerdBoy says:

    I don’t think that was Lifemaker/ Mage of the Beginning with the telescope.

    I think it was but we’ll see. Its hard to get a grasp on who’s who at this point.

    Which, of course, begs the question – After seeing Nagi, did she decide to manipulate events so that Negi’s parents would meet and fall in love…?

    That’s possible.

  20. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Also, on a different topic, I wanted to comment on the Negi=Nagi theory. You pointed out many things but the one thing that makes me believe its true is that something happened to Nagi 10 years ago and Negi is 10 years old. Its been mentioned many times that something important happened in that time, so theres a chance that the “transformation”(?) took place there. I know that theres many loopholes but I think its something to consider.

    Well, my other theory about Magic World residents not being able to naturally (or easily) survive on Earth was proven true thanks to some critical missing pieces being revealed. So, if my #1 theory comes true, then it will be much the same where some critical pieces of info come to life and resolve those loopholes.

    And if it ends up being true, maybe Negi=Nagi, Ayaka=Arika, and Yuuna=Yuuna’s mother (that way, it wouldnt be too weird on how much she likes her dad lol).

    *lol* Well, there’s no doubt that Yuuna’s love of her father is very weird but we have flashback sequences showing Yuuna with her mother. Therefore, I think that Yuuna’s mother is indeed dead and Yuuna is Yuuna.

    As for Arika, she could be dead. If she’s not, I don’t think Ayaka is the one. Ayaka is simply an ojousama in a powerful family. If Arika is alive and disguised as someone else, I would suspect that it is Nekane. A lot was made of Nekane resembling Asuna. Further, Negi’s excuse for sneaking into Asuna’s bed was Asuna smelling like Nekane. So, if Nekane is Arika, then that might explain why she so resembled Asuna.

    We’ll see what happens. ^_^

  21. […] since we got to see the apparent Mage of the Beginning in chapter 325 of Negima, I have speculated that this is in fact Amateru, the daughter of the Life-Maker/Mage of […]

  22. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Funny how we still don’t have these answers in 2015, although this element as finally been picked back up in UQ Holder.

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