Usagi Drop – 09

うさぎドロップ Episode 09
Usagi Drop – 09

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

Usagi Drop - 09Daikichi watches the coverage of the approaching typhoon and misunderstands something said, which sounded like the bullet trains were taking a crap. This crap talk suddenly makes him want to go, but when he does, he wants Daikichi to bring a ruler in since he let out such a big one. At school, Rin notes the skies growing cloudier during Hiragana writing class.  In art class, their art teacher has them go outside to draw the flowers they’d planted.  Rin sits with some female friends while Kouki and two male friends continue to cut up. The teacher has a hard time controlling Kouki, all of which is observed by Rin. Eventually, she has enough of Kouki’s antics, gets up, and loudly scolds him for his behavior. Everyone is shocked when Kouki complies with Rin’s request to sit down and draw.

Usagi Drop - 09Meanwhile, Daikichi and colleagues build a small sandbag dam to protect the warehouse floor from getting flooded as they wait for a delivery truck to arrive. Daikichi’s co-workers discuss their family lives and things like paying for insurance. The truck finally comes and Daikichi is able to leave to pick Rin of from daycare as the typhoon’s rains come down and the wind picks up.  Only Rin and Kouki are left at the daycare, but when Daikichi starts to leave, he notices that Rin is looking at Kouki and guesses she wants to invite him over.  While Kouki wants to go, the daycare rules means that Daikichi has to get permission from Kouki’s mother, Nitani, which he does and the trio heads home, with Kouki and Rin enjoying playing in the water.

Usagi Drop - 09Getting home, Daikichi starts pulling shut the wooden shutter panels to protect the windows, making the house dark, and Kouki helps. After drying off, Nitani drops by and thanks Daikichi for helping her out. Rin emerges with Kouki dressed in some of her clothing, which amuses everyone but him. Nitani is impressed when she sees Rin’s skills at preparing meals, but is very surprised with Kouki offers to help. However, cutting the onions has him in tears and he leaves and makes the hamburger patties instead, which he forms into weird shapes.  However, after being cooked, they taste good and the meal is enjoyed by all, though Nitani is at times embarrassed by some of the things Kouki does.

Usagi Drop - 09While doing the dishes, Nitani notices how Kouki in engaged and happy as he does homework with Rin. She thanks Daikichi for the opportunity to see this and Daikichi says he should be thanking her. After the dishes are done and later in the evening, Kouki starts nodding off and Nitani says they should go now. Rin thinks they should stay over, shocking both Daikichi and Nitani. When Rin cites how Reina and her mother stayed over, Daikichi tells her that was a different situation. So, Daikichi calls Nitani a cab and when it arrives, he uses an umbrella to keep her dry to the car. The following day, Kouki arrives early and is already dirty, having opened up some of the sliding shutters at Daikichi’s house.


Usagi Drop - 09You know, Rin and Kouki’s friendship comes off at times like a couple who’ve been married for quite some time.  That was the thought that went through my head when Kouki was cutting up in art class and Rin tolerated it for a time until she’d had enough and laid down the law.  Kouki, like many guys who have a girl they care deeply for, complies without talking back or giving other grief.  *lol*  They seem like they’d be the perfect married couple when they become adults with Rin knowing when to let Kouki run and when to pull the reigns on him. ^_^  Of course, the one snag in that notion is it conflicts with another romantic pairing — Daikichi and Nitani.

Usagi Drop - 09I’m glad that we finally have her name mentioned.  Good grief!  One of the things that will drive me spare about some anime/manga is this notion of not naming a character from the start. Here we are in episode 9 and Kouki’s mom only now gets mentioned by name. *_*

Anyway, if Nitani and Daikichi get together, that would make Kouki and Rin step-brother and step-sister. As such, a romantic pairing between them becomes kinda icky with me, even if they aren’t blood relatives. However, should Nitani and Daikichi get married, to have an adult Rin-Kouki pairing, in this case, I’d put aside my icky feeling.

Usagi Drop - 09Speaking of Daikichi and Nitani, this episode provided the perfect fantasy family life scenario.  I’ve previously remarked on how Daikichi has become a father figure to Kouki, and that’s something he needs. So, when Nitani and Kouki stay over for dinner, Daikichi and Kouki hang out together (father-son bonding imagery) while Rin and Nitani make dinner (mother-daughter imagery). Finally, this all culminates in group eating together (family unit imagery), and then the afterward with “mother and father” cleaning up while the children do homework. Of course, reality isn’t quite so romantic, but it was a nice image. Nitani did have an odd look on her face as the cab left. I wonder what she was thinking.

So, as expected of this anime series, the episode flies by and is filled with goodness. I think this is the first episode where I really didn’t feel any sadness, which is a good thing. Can’t wait for the next episode.

Usagi Drop - 09
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4 Responses to “Usagi Drop – 09”

  1. Lan says:

    Its looking more and more likely that this series will fall into the trap that sooooo many other series fall into- one that remains unfinished.
    a year from now will we get a continuation? 2 years? 3 years? This anime was produced as part of the same deal that saw the release of the live action movie. this is almost a copycat deal with Detroit metal city, and we all know happened the 2nd season of that anime…

    yeah, im not too happy about this series future. i would LOVE a continuation, but i highly doubt there will be one. its a shame really as the manga is done and dusted.

  2. junior says:

    The “romantic relationship between people who are related legally but not by blood” is one of the themes of Jane Austin’s novel, Emma, and it’s modern off-shoot, the movie Clueless. The former has the protagonist’s brother-in-law as the eventual marriage partner for the protagonist. And the latter has the protagonist’s former step-brother (iirc her father’s been married four times, and the guy in question is the son of the second wife) as the eventual relationship.

  3. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Its looking more and more likely that this series will fall into the trap that sooooo many other series fall into- one that remains unfinished.
    a year from now will we get a continuation?

    Well, I can understand that. However, I’d rather there be a pause then have some dopey anime-only continuation to a manga series to “bridge the gap” that ends up failing on its own.

    This anime was produced as part of the same deal that saw the release of the live action movie. this is almost a copycat deal with Detroit metal city, and we all know happened the 2nd season of that anime…

    Other than knowing the title, I’m unfamiliar with what happened with that series.

    yeah, im not too happy about this series future. i would LOVE a continuation, but i highly doubt there will be one. its a shame really as the manga is done and dusted.

    Ah yes, that is true. I’d forgotten that the manga is over in Japan. That does give more weight to your original fears. :-/ Well, I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

    The “romantic relationship between people who are related legally but not by blood” is one of the themes of Jane Austin’s novel, Emma…

    Sad to say it, but that was one of those books I skipped in literature and opted to take the zero for (well, it was multiple-guess test so I didn’t get a zero but may as well have). ^_^;;;

    Either way, it is a creepy element to me, but that’s just me.

  4. […] story and the visit in the context of a typhoon’s approach.  I didn’t say so when I reviewed that anime story, but I did wonder why school was in session during an approaching typhoon.  I remember a hurricane […]

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