Some Christmas Anime Favorites Hey gang. Yours truly is currently decompressing from the insanity of work for the past few months. Whew. Regardless, Here are some Christmas anime episodes that I like…mostly. The link is to the original review. Usagi Drop episode 3.5 You know, the Usagi Drop (Bunny Drop) manga’s time skip and ultimate
Posts Tagged ‘Usagi Drop’

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 10 Review

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 10 Review (finale) Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 10 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ***SPOILERS*** Well, if you thought things were over after Daikichi decided to marry the girl he adopted twelve years prior, you were wrong. For this final volume

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 09 Review

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 09 Review Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 09 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ***SPOILERS*** And so we come to the final volume of Bunny Drop‘s main story (the final volume is just omake side stories). *heavy sigh* Unita-sensei, having pushed the

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 8 Review

Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 8 Review Bunny Drop Manga Volume 8 Review –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ***SPOILER*** I’m going to forgo my standard summary-synopsis-review format for the sake of time. Anyway, with volume 8, we finally get to the place that everyone warned

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 07 Review

Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 07 Purchase Bunny Drop Volume 7 from one of the following: –> RightStuf –> BUY.COM –> Barnes & Noble ***SPOILERS*** Highlights from this volume start with Reina revealing she may soon have a boyfriend, leading to a discussion of this between Rin and Kouki. Daikichi hurts his back at home, so

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 06 Review

Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 06 Purchase Bunny Drop Volume 6 from one of the following: –> RightStuf –> BUY.COM –> Barnes & Noble ***SPOILERS*** Highlights from this volume start with Rin having Kouki and other friends over for a study session. At school, Rin smells Akari’s perfume on Kouki’s bag and gets angry with him

Bunny Drop Manga Volume 05 Review

Usagi Drop/うさぎドロップ Manga Volume 05 Purchase Bunny Drop Volume 5 from one of the following and help AstroNerdBoy out! ^_^ –> RightStuf –> BUY.COM –> Barnes & Noble SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ten years later, Kouki and Rin are now in high school together, and are joined by Rin’s cousin and friend, Reina. Many folks, including Reina,

Merry Christmas! with Usagi Drop episode 3.5

うさぎドロップ Episode 3.5 Usagi Drop episode 3.5 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Daikichi and Rin are sitting at the table when Daikichi asks Rin what she wants Santa-san to bring. Rin stops reading and decides she wants a friend for her stuffed animal bunny rabbit. Daikichi goes out and buys a small Christmas tree and a present for