Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 18, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop. (Those looking for my chapter review can find it HERE.)
The UQ Holder chapter 18 goodness begins.^_^
Heh! To quote Southrop, “Hi Kuroumaru please become a girl.” Amen to that. ^_~
Nothing else yet, but I suspect we’ll get more from UQ Holder chapter 18 later today. ^_^ I’ll keep an eye open while I do the other things I have to do today.
Update #1 (12-JAN-2014): Well, I was completely wrong about more being shared. I may grovel next chapter to try to get a few more. ^_~ Regardless, the Chinese already have their scanlation up. Here’s page 16 of it, which goes to show some of the fun in store.
It is interesting seeing how drama is added to a fierce fight where the immortals are in peril. Can’t wait for the chapter to come out in English. ^_^
Kuroumaru would make a cute girl.
Yes indeed. ^_^
Nothing else today?
Nothing so far. Even the Japanese spoiler folks have the same image from Southrop that I do.
The whole chapter is already out in raw form….
Thanks for letting me know. ^_^
Hmmmm…it isn’t at my normal watering holes. I guess there’s a place where it is at that I’m unaware of. ^_^;
(Oh, I see the Chinese scanlation up.)
Can you give me the full notes and observations regarding to the chapter? I mean, I want to know it myself since the chapter is still on the stage of cleaning and translating and all.
I only just read the chapter a few minutes ago. I’m going to write my review, which will go up tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. ^_^