UQ Holder Chapter 57 SPOILER Info

Here is a SPOILER image for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 57, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 57 should come out Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 57 goodness begins.^_^

As provided by the most excellent ChaosProphet:




Santa uses his telekinesis to barricade the bridge with 5 buses and a boat. He then parts with that group and goes after Sayoko.

Karin who was able to free herself joins with Touta that just finished healing (the 57 minutes just passed). They can feel the presence of zombie Kuroumaru 3000m up in the sky.

Santa who found Sayoko already is attacked by a powerful magic beam coming from the skies.

No surprise that Touta is back. I am surprised that Karin is back. The magic beam from the skies indicates that Ikkuu is probably back and in a new body, thus is able to direct an attack from Al-Iskandariya (or however it is spelled).


UQ Holder Chapter 57


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13 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 57 SPOILER Info”

  1. chaosprophet says:

    Maybe the way I wrote it was confusing. From the spoilers seems like a magic beam coming from the skies is attacking Santa. Likely from Sayoko.

  2. Seimei says:

    Astro: Yeah but suddenly is not so bad. Think about it, if Tota and karin deal with super-zombies (kuromaru) while Santa (and Ikku that shots distence with his satellite) faces Sayako. When you think everybody has forgotten the super-zombis in the equation yet they would have hindered Santa if they had been present with Sayako.

    • cold_menthol says:

      suddenly is not so bad

      shelfis put what I wanted to say nicely:

      last chap when i seen 57 min i thought touta would be out for longer than 1 chapter… wish santa got more time to shine

      Whether Santa have a hard time or not against Sayoko is another matter.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I think that Santa will end up being incapacitated so that UQH (Touta) wins the day.

  3. shelfis says:

    man last chap when i seen 57 min i thought touta would be out for longer than 1 chapter. dammit wist santa got more time to shine. that beam sounds interesting tho

  4. Robert Reed says:

    There is a chance that the magic beam may be from rest of UQ Holder or another magi group.

  5. Negima style Aero fight , we gonna back with good stuff again but … i dont think Karin or Touta can fly …

  6. Akk says:

    I hope they don’t spam Iskander

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