UQ Holder Chapter 80 SPOILER Info (Update #2: More info, now with images)

Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 80, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 80 should come out Friday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 80 goodness begins.^_^

This looks to be chapter 80’s spoilers. (I wasn’t sure if the note about it continuing in issue 25 meant we’d get a chapter skip or not.)





キティ「久しぶりだな 何を間抜けな真似をしている?」


Assuming these are the spoilers and not fake crap (which sometimes happens), we may get to see more of the vampire element here. There some kind of talk about sucking blood, but my Japanese practically non-existant for this kind of stuff. Looks like at some point, Touta chases after Eva and runs into Kuroumaru. Well, someone with more skills than I will have to clarify all of this for us. ^_^

One thing that is clear is that there won’t be a chapter next week for issue 26.

More updates as they come.

Update #1: Cube steps up to the plate with a translation. ^_^

Same disclaimer as last time:

A step forward

The small Eva thought Touta was Dana’s child.
Touta was asked if he knows Eva (I’m assuming by Eva herself)
He says he’s a distant relative, she leaves…. and collapses from hunger
Touta lays down the small Eva in a nearby couch
You can bring fruits and drinks from the kitchen, or she can drink blood to recover her full power
The small Eva asks for some blood, she calls herself Kitty (!!!) and leaves.
Touta chases after her, Kuromaru and company show up.
Dana says in the current situation, neglecting the training is kan-kan (???)

Well, if you finish the daily basic training
Dana will add an individual menu, for Kuromaru and Santa’s hesitation
And so, Kirie’s fear of being alone is exposed.
Behind each of them, a door is summoned, from the far side infinite hands take away the three of them.
And so, Tota is left behind….. endlessly doing a hoola loop (?????)
The curse that stops the heart multiplies each failure
As the training continues day and night

キティ「久しぶりだな 何を間抜けな真似をしている?」
Kitty “Long time no see… what idiot copy is this?”

Is it because of the voice of the copy, or the appearance, or…?

Break on volume 26 for author interviews, we’ll resume in volume 27!

I know a few folks with Japanese knowledge have remarked over the rather cryptic way the author of the spoilers writes things. Your efforts are much appreciated, Cube. ^_^

Well, if some images pop up, I’ll post them as well.

Update #2: The images from MK.

UQ Holder Chapter 80

UQ Holder Chapter 80

UQ Holder Chapter 80

*sigh* I’m not liking this “Eva in the past falling for Touta” thing that is seemingly being pushed.

UQ Holder Chapter 80


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34 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 80 SPOILER Info (Update #2: More info, now with images)”

  1. vanguard says:

    26号は作者取材のため休載させていただきます。27号からの再開をお楽しみに! is BRIGHEST HIGHLIGHT FOR ME

  2. Seimei says:

    Astro: According to one of my friends on the Akamatsuian forums where I am, there is no break expected the next week. Are you sure of your source Astro?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      One can never be too sure about spoiler text from 2ch. Supposedly, issue 26 is supposed to be a break.

  3. NML says:

    I think Akamtasu mentioned on twitter that he was behind on his schedule, but I was using google translate so who knows.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, I don’t know either. 🙁

    • NML says:

      yay, another break :/
      At least it’s better than the 2-4 breaks we got in the later days of Negima.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Har! That’s true. Negima was on a break every three weeks minimum toward the end there.

        • OverMaster says:

          I’m sure we’ll get there eventually with this series, as well, especially if Akamatsu loses interest and focus as much as he apparently did with Negima.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            We may indeed get more breaks because as we get older, it gets tougher to do things. After a hard day working, a lot of times, I am hard pressed to write a review here because I am so wasted, more so if I haven’t had enough sleep. And since I’m in a rigorous exercise program now, it is even worse. ^_^; I miss the days before I started blogging when I’d write for Community Anime Reviews and I could easily marathon a series and write a review for it. Even when I started blogging, it was easier to do things than it is now. For a time, I was actually doing two posts a day.

  4. shadowofthevoid says:

    Here’s the incredibly goofy (as always) Google Translate interpretation of that spoiler text:

    One step forward

    How young Eva I thought it was bronc of Dana the KatanaFutoshi
    You are asked whether you know Eva to KatanaFutoshi
    The fall Bukkake in …… hungry trying Tachisaro say it’s distant relatives

    To lay the young Eva in KatanaFutoshi there was near sofa
    If you bring the fruit and drinks from the kitchen, it sucked the blood in the best
    Young Eva refers to a minute of Rei of blood, monkey calls himself and Kitty
    When KatanaFutoshi is chasing after, Kuromaru appear
    Dana says it’s cancan in the training Suppokashi state

    Well, if you finish the daily routine of one street
    Dana is referred to as a separate menu, each of the hesitation of Kuromaru and SanFutoshi
    And I guess that Kiriwe are afraid of loneliness
    Each behind is called the door to, and take away the 3 people in a myriad of hand from the other side
    And the remaining KatanaFutoshi rolled ball while …… endlessly hula hoop
    it is multiplied by the curse that heart stops every time you fail
    As I continued training in the day and night

    Kitty “What Na’s after a long time have a goofy imitate?”

    ■ or because it is a goofy figure had been multiplied by the voice, or … !?
    No. 26 will be taken hiatuses for author interviews. Enjoy the resumption of from No. 27!

    Stay classy, internet translation programs.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Stay classy, internet translation programs.

      Well, Japanese is very difficult to machine translate.

  5. Cube says:

    Same disclaimer as last time:

    A step forward

    The small Eva thought Touta was Dana’s child.
    Touta was asked if he knows Eva (I’m assuming by Eva herself)
    He says he’s a distant relative, she leaves…. and collapses from hunger
    Touta lays down the small Eva in a nearby couch
    You can bring fruits and drinks from the kitchen, or she can drink blood to recover her full power
    The small Eva asks for some blood, she calls herself Kitty (!!!) and leaves.
    Touta chases after her, Kuromaru and company show up.
    Dana says in the current situation, neglecting the training is kan-kan (???)

    Well, if you finish the daily basic training
    Dana will add an individual menu, for Kuromaru and Santa’s hesitation
    And so, Kirie’s fear of being alone is exposed.
    Behind each of them, a door is summoned, from the far side infinite hands take away the three of them.
    And so, Tota is left behind….. endlessly doing a hoola loop (?????)
    The curse that stops the heart multiplies each failure
    As the training continues day and night

    キティ「久しぶりだな 何を間抜けな真似をしている?」
    Kitty “Long time no see… what idiot copy is this?”

    Is it because of the voice of the copy, or the appearance, or…?

    Break on volume 26 for author interviews, we’ll resume in volume 27!

  6. tike36 says:

    how many breaks is the author going to take its make me sad 🙁

    • Seimei says:

      Apparently, this is the magazine itself takes a break as several authors are realized interviews, or so, has only akamatsu that goes into making so I understand.

      But yes you are right, another break just after the one we just had is annoying lol.^^

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It isn’t as bad as it was with Negima. (And your “name” was a no-no, so it was changed.)

  7. OverMaster says:

    “Break on volume 26 for author interviews”

    Are they interviewing him and the staff the whole week through? I miss back when he he gave the ‘research’ excuse, since that at least was believable, but I guess no one could buy any research is made for this particular series, which is a complete mishmash of made-up elements.

    What are they going to interview him on? On how to ruin a series? He’s pretty much stopped being relevant out of his hardcore following circles, and J-Comi is a non factor now. Unless it’s a series of interviews with companies to develop an animated adaptation, and we know his track record with those…

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Are they interviewing him and the staff the whole week through?

      Akamatsu-sensei is an “old man” and can’t do the work he used to. That’s why UQ Holder has less pages than Negima did. Even then, he still falls behind. So taking a single day off likely makes it impossible for him to finish on time. As such, they cancel the chapter for the week, then Akamatsu-sensei can do his chapter and get ahead on the next one.

      What are they going to interview him on?

      I have crap for Japanese skills, but what little I can tell, I get the feeling he’s going to be talking about one of his favorite subjects — online piracy.

      • Seimei says:

        I seem to remember (but I may have imagined it) that Akamatsu-sensei has always been quite favorable to online sharing / “piracy” at least to some extent.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I don’t think so. He’s been VERY vocal about his dislike of online piracy. During Negima, he mentioned in an interview that the unofficial English version of the manga was up on websites sometimes six days before the manga came on the shelves in Japan. Today, the Japanese have done things to try to make it so that the manga doesn’t get seen as quickly as it did before, thus instead of the new chapter spoilers coming out six days in advance, they come out three days (or so) in advance.

          Akamatsu-sensei has been a proponent of legal, online distribution. My understanding is that with UQ Holder, he not only supported Crunchyroll getting the manga for English audiences, but he also made sure the Twins were the translators.

      • OverMaster says:

        Doesn’t the staff do most of the job for him nowadays?

        • Seimei says:

          I’m not being very knowledgeable on the subject (and because I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how he work since I do not know personally Akamatsu lol^^).

          You and I have MANY points of divergence, everyone here knows, but without wanting to annoy you, I find you very presumptuous with this.
          I know he creates some of decorder of his boards by computer now, yes, that it’s true.
          But to let his assistants do all the work. Um … there you seek a bit too far I think even for a hater lol, but no offense^^.
          And finally … Even if is the case, what astonished me, every mangaka uses his assistants he employs as he wishes as long as these assistants are paid. This is just my opinion.^^

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I know Akamatsu-sensei is doing the faces and I presume the heads. He’s also doing the stories. As “the boss”, if he doesn’t get things done, the assistants can’t do their part.

      • Seimei says:

        Astro: I personally think that this break is due not only to the famous interview but above all, the fact that Akamatsu, as he said on his tweeter, took behind schedule. Blame it on the golden week. We all noticed it, that despite the golden week in April we had anyway a chapter even with two days of delays.

        Thereafter he took a delayed break and we do not expected us to have another break before 10 weeks.

        But the problem is that, from what I read someone share, prop it here anyway?), At least if I understand it, was that he tried to pass the golden-week delayed and fragmented way. For example 3 days of rest one week, 3 days of rest the next week. No-doubt imagine he can properly dosed rest and work? Hard to say, anyway I think he was calculating his shot to be in time for the chapter, but it was too late to recall an interview he had one day where he planned to work on the chapter lol Finally I think. ^^

        I am therefore both agreements and no agreements with over-master on this one. I think the interview has caused the break, however is not the only reason indeed.

        By cons no, I absolutely think that his break wasn’t for a loss of any interest lol.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Astro: I personally think that this break is due not only to the famous interview but above all, the fact that Akamatsu, as he said on his tweeter, took behind schedule. Blame it on the golden week. We all noticed it, that despite the golden week in April we had anyway a chapter even with two days of delays.

          No doubt, it is a combination of things. He’s my roughly my age, so I know how difficult it can be at times to get things done that used to be so easy, especially if one doesn’t get enough sleep and wants to take some down time.

  8. NT says:

    Well, i think that since Touta is a Clone of Negi, i would think that would mean that in some way Negi’s feelings for Evangeline were transferred(it’s magic), maybe instead of him not being able to use magic it’s actually the fact that he has feelings that makes him a Failure.

    I mean, what good is a Clone possible meant for killing people if it has feelings and attachments?(that would mean Hoodie is the polar opposite of Touta)

    So, I think if thats how it is then this whole ‘Touta x Eva’ pairing was already established with her and Negi somehow. Just a few cents of conjecture to go around the block.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, i think that since Touta is a Clone of Negi, i would think that would mean that in some way Negi’s feelings for Evangeline were transferred(it’s magic),

      Well, since at least some of Negi’s battle knowledge was transferred, then it is not unreasonable to think that other elements were transferred to the clone as well.

      maybe instead of him not being able to use magic it’s actually the fact that he has feelings that makes him a Failure.

      Well, his inability to use magic seems to stem from the fact that he has an anti-mana element. When he came in contact with mana via the apps, there was an explosive reaction. That would suggest a physical element to his body that has arisen, possibly to correct a problem in the world.

      I mean, what good is a Clone possible meant for killing people if it has feelings and attachments?(that would mean Hoodie is the polar opposite of Touta)

      We don’t know that Touta was created for that purpose. In fact, to me, it seems that Touta was created as a way to preserve Negi’s massive powers and abilities so that his work could continue after his death.

      We’ll see what happens though.

  9. Mattcgw says:

    Maybe Eva has a thing for handsome fools.

  10. Leonard Norwood Jr. says:

    It seems the training is going to be more interesting for Kirie, Santa, and Kuromaru. Still Touts, got the more awkward one to the points it’s becoming a joke. A ball and hula hoop. Okay…I could try to see the point, but I’d rather see Touta get to more intense training soon.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It seems the training is going to be more interesting for Kirie, Santa, and Kuromaru.

      Which means their training won’t be shown, at least not much.

      A ball and hula hoop. Okay…I could try to see the point, but I’d rather see Touta get to more intense training soon.

      Actually, I’m not sure what the purpose of that training is other than maybe to show Touta patience.

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