UQ Holder Chapter 95 Manga Review (Time to return to Negima land.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 95

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

UQ Holder Chapter 95After an additional eight months of training, Dana gives Touta a graduation test to see whether she’ll allow him to enter the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament. After a long, destructive battle, she approves of him entering the tournament and for them all leaving, even though her full training program would take ten years. Kirie is very excited by the prospect of leaving.

Touta asks whether he’s strong enough to beat Fate, so Dana bluntly tells him he’d lose every battle unless Fate made a mistake. Kirie is shocked by this, so Dana reminds her that they are leaving her training program very early without completing it. Touta isn’t worried since he’ll have his friends, but Dana knows Touta is trying to get stronger for Kitty/Yukihime (Eva). After Dana tells Touta to take care of Eva, Touta and company leave, Touta planning to stop off at UQ Holder HQ to see Eva (Kitty/Yukihime).

Elsewhere, at Shin Tokyo Station, Shinobu arrives and is attempting to contact Touta.

In Earth orbit on board the ship White Crow, KONOE Isana and KONOE Honoka watch a video of Touta and are looking forward to meeting the grandson of their grandmother’s teacher, wondering why he has the same family name as them.

At UQ Holder HQ, there is great surprise that the elderly YUKIHIRO Ayaka, the android Chachamaru, and Ayaka’s grand daughter (or great grand daughter) are there without an appointment to see Evangeline/Yukihime and Touta.


Well, the Negima bait continues, but obviously, I won’t be complaining about that. 😉

I hadn’t expected us to get one more training arc chapter, but I’m glad we did, only because it properly sets things up so that we know that Touta and company didn’t even complete 10% if the training Dana would have them do. As such, assuming Akamatsu-sensei doesn’t just end UQ Holder, I’d guess we’ll have Touta at the very least return to see Dana sometime in the future.

UQ Holder Chapter 95

I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Sayoko’s message to Santa. I wonder what she had to say.

Surprisingly, we get to see Shinobu again. It does appear that Shinobu is a girl, though chapter 2 of the manga never specified that.

I have to admit that I got a big old smile, seeing mini-Setsuna (Isana) and mini-Konoka (Honoka). It won’t surprise me at all if Isana is a pure clone of Setsuna and Honoka is a pure clone of Konoka. Further, it wouldn’t surprise me if their cloning was related to the ultimate use of magic to create a clone-homunculus that became Touta.

I also got a big old smile seeing the elderly Ayaka show up to see Eva. To be honest, seeing her using her pactio card was even more exciting for me that seeing Ayaka herself. That’s because until now, Akamatsu-sensei has completely avoided the pactio system. Ayaka showing up with her card shows the pactio system is still in place.

With Chachamaru showing up as Ayaka’s attendant, not only did that bring a smile to my face, but it made me eager to see her reunion with her former master (Eva).  There’s so much that could be done with this, but unfortunately, other than fanservice and the apparent attempt to set up a harem for Touta, I’m afraid the meeting between Eva, Ayaka, and Chachamaru won’t amount to much.

As an aside, I am hoping to discover why Eva decided she needed the Yukihime alias. After all, Ayaka knows Eva has shifted from her real first name of Evangeline to Yukihime.

As to the harem thing, I’ve long sensed that Akamatsu-sensei has wanted to establish one. After all, harems were a central part of A.I. Love You, Love Hina, and Negima. However, with him deciding to put Karin on the shelf (for now) and causing Kuroumaru to be gender-neutral, that only left Eva (as Yukihime) and Kirie. I don’t feel there was a great deal of enthusiasm for the Touta x Eva thing, so really that only left Kirie until Kuroumaru becomes a lovely girl. As such, bring back Shinobu, then introduce Isana, Honoka, and mini-Ayaka, the later establishing her claim on Touta as a potential husband.

In the end, the chapter was quite enjoyable, but mainly because of the massive Negima ties.

Remember gang, no chapter this week (Wednesday in Japan).

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44 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 95 Manga Review (Time to return to Negima land.)”

  1. […] Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 95, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 95 should come out late Tuesday night or Wednesday, U.S. time, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) […]

  2. Dhdhd says:

    Touta x Eva FTW!!
    This is what this manga is about yo!!

    Anyway; i am glad this harem thing is developing, since it will only enforce Touta x Eva by showing us how strong Touta feeling to Eva is.

  3. magine says:

    Finally Touta and company ended up the training
    Is Fate still stronger than Touta? even though Touta stopped quite a few attacks of Dana, As powerful he is…

    Is the girl of the station Shinobu?
    Some girls showed up and they look like Setsuna and Konoka and… Chachamaru and Ayaka! they are alive!
    How many years will Ayaka have? 92? And also her granddaughter is there. Then, Did they show up at UQ Holder? Had Konoka and Setsuna children?

    If Chachamaru meets again with Evangeline… I want to see it

    So, Will Karin be jealous?
    “Karin: Yukihime-sama is MINE!
    Chachamaru; Pardon?
    Karin is over 9000 jealousy”

    I want to see the next chapter! Will Touta and Evangeline meet finally? Will Chachamaru and Ayaka be there too? Then, Chachazero would have to show up someday, wouldn’t she?

    “I will personally evaluate him to see if he is worthy to be my husband” LOL seriously? ._.
    I don’t know if Evangeline will be okay. I mean, she still hasn’t been reunited with Touta, she should be worried.

    If Touta shows up there and Evangeline tells to him “She wants marry with you” Lol

    So, What arc will be now? 😀

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Is Fate still stronger than Touta? even though Touta stopped quite a few attacks of Dana, As powerful he is…

      Yes, Fate is that powerful.

      Is the girl of the station Shinobu?

      Looks like.

      If Chachamaru meets again with Evangeline… I want to see it


      So, What arc will be now?

      Good question. We might go to a new arc, or it might return to tournament arc.

  4. Setsuyume Edenfautl says:

    All right!

    1- Yes, about these books, I want to say this for a long time: werent’ there FOUR of them?! Why did they show only one? And, how do we even know Santa got Sayoko’s message?

    2- Hehehe, lol Astro. Was there really any need to say Shinobu is a girl? ^^ Quite unexpected to see her now.

    3- Yes, I am curious about Honoka-chan and Isana-chan… as well as their “making process” lol

    4- “Pactioooooooooooo!” Haha, finally! A pactio card! Makes you wonder who will be Touta’s first partner!

    5- And now I expect the “ojousama and ‘plebeian'” story… except the ‘plebeian’ is na immortal, demonic vampire lord, with potential to bring everything to nothing. It’ll surely be fun!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      2- Hehehe, lol Astro. Was there really any need to say Shinobu is a girl? ^^ Quite unexpected to see her now.

      One word — Kuroumaru. 😉

  5. marco1701 says:

    Pactio card working = Negi current alive 😉

  6. Seimei says:

    Astro :

    So :

    1. Although I am more convinced by the idea that Honoka and Isana are the biological daughters of Kono and Setsu (for I believe in my theory “Setsuna Yata-garasu as kuromaru” ^^), I must admit that cloning is a possibility. Especially in fact, given the experiences to create Tota, like you say, and that he is also named “Konoe”, one could infer that Konoe manages a laboratory of Magitech focused on genetics. So it is like good.

    2. It will perhaps surprise you, since I criticed several times here the Negima Harem but … I’m not against the introduction of a small harem around Tota indeed.

    Just because I find that, unlike Negima, introduce remance could much better now, AFTER the veginning of the plot. I have already said but from the mundus-magicus arc, the Harem of Negi task was to me. Having a team of heroes of heroic-fantaisy / RPG-like almost entirely composed of schoolgirls, I say NO. But it is just MY opinion, not the absolute Truth.^^.

    However here, the main cast is much more mixed (an almost equal number of girls and boys), in which the secondary characters, who are also very équillibrés cast especially new with the introduction of the new female characters.

    One could therefore in this case may follow the example of a Inuyasha for example. A romance that introduced AFTER the beginning of the adventure and evolves, grown with it.

    I read UQ for action and the scenario, but if there is the romance that fits together in parallel … I say why not, yes, if it is treated as if I will. ^^

    3. Personally I expect LOTS of revelations, during discussions between Eva and Ayaka me too Astro-san, I can not wait for next Saturday to even the spoils !!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Although I am more convinced by the idea that Honoka and Isana are the biological daughters of Kono and Setsu

      Not daughters, granddaughters. 😉

      3. Personally I expect LOTS of revelations, during discussions between Eva and Ayaka me too Astro-san, I can not wait for next Saturday to even the spoils !!

      It will be interesting to see where Akamatsu-sensei goes. I’ll be annoyed if he skips to the tournament stuff and we don’t get to see Eva as Yukihime meeting with Ayaka and Chachamaru. (Ditto a Touta meeting with Eva.)

  7. DD says:

    So now we have possibility that konoe group is responsible for cloning Touta ,Honoka ,Isana ?

  8. Mattcgw says:

    I wonder why Akamatsu-sensei is buying a ‘pseudo gaming rig’, well the specs he tweeted out, state a GTX 980 which is at least £300 Sterling/50’000+ yen (probably cheaper since the Vat is half) as well as a lower bound i7. I would find it strange that he would need something that high-ish spec for rendering his manga panels. Unless he’s going 4k for archive purposes. I would’ve assumed that he decided what he would require for Pure digital art back in July ’13.

    I also would assume that if he needed some money for his work, then Kodansha would’ve given him an advance, from his future sales. I suppose this seems odd to me, because Japan doesn’t really have a huge PC market for games that need high end GPU’s. With a great many Triple-A Japanese games not being released for PC, just consoles for 15 years. Like Biohazard, Final fantasy, dragon quest. I also don’t envisaged having much spare time to indulge in PC gaming throughout his recent career.

    But, I could be over estimating how time consuming Sensei’s manga career was.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      As to Akamatsu-sensei’s PC, he’s always been a high tech kind of guy. And he used to play a lot of PC games in his younger days. He may be like me — get a gaming machine for those rare times you get a chance to play. 😛

      But, I could be over estimating how time consuming Sensei’s manga career was.

      I don’t doubt it being time consuming. However, they do take vacation weeks when the manga magazines do a double issue (I think four times a year), and Akamatsu-sensei does other breaks like the one this week.

  9. Mattcgw says:

    So negi took care of Konoka, it is described in the past tense; therefore she is dead?
    Or Negi “took care” (suggestive eyebrow) of Konoka.

    Astro-san, could I ask you if you know whether the kanji for ‘white crow’ was bya-uzoku?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      So negi took care of Konoka, it is described in the past tense; therefore she is dead?

      That’s possible.

      Or Negi “took care” (suggestive eyebrow) of Konoka.

      *cough*harem*needs*cough* 😉

      Astro-san, could I ask you if you know whether the kanji for ‘white crow’ was bya-uzoku?

      That I don’t know. ^_^; I only know of uzouku from the old Negima scanlation translator, CanonRap.

      • Alliriyan says:

        In the raw and the Chinese version, it was just the kanji for white and crow. The zoku part means race or tribe or people, as in mazoku. 白 white 鸦 crow was in the raw
        民 tribe wasn’t

        • mattcgw says:

          Thank you.

          So Shiro Karasu?

          • Alliriyan says:

            I expect so. Though since Setsuna is an albino, that only applies to her. I’d personally assume that her crow tribe is distinct from yatagarasu, as that’s a specific legend, 3 legged crows.
            …but wait would that mean the granddaughter/clone is also dyeing her hair? She wouldn’t have grown up stigmatised?

            I can see Kuroumaru becoming close friends with mini-Setsuna, though I cling to my sinking Kuro-Touta ship.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            I still foresee Kuroumaru becoming a lovely girl. Introducing Isana and Honoka as well as Shinobu will help that cause. With them having blown 8 months, plus however many months since Kuroumaru and Touta met means that Kuroumaru should have to make that choice (or have it made automatically) fairly soon.

  10. NT says:

    Hmm… okay calling it now, Shinobu is going to be one of Touta’s partners as far as pactios go. XD (she’s going to get attacked and Touta will save her at some point)

    Seeing Ayaka alive makes me wonder if this timeline is the one that Asuna was sealed in.(well, asuna went back in time so technically asuna is still sealed lolololol paradox)

    makes me wonder, if anyone else is still alive from 3-A, besides Chisame who possibly merged wit the system and stopped aging haha

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Hmm… okay calling it now, Shinobu is going to be one of Touta’s partners as far as pactios go. XD (she’s going to get attacked and Touta will save her at some point)

      In my mind, Touta shouldn’t be able to use the pactio system other than as a potential recipient (Asuna is the basis for that) since he can’t cast spells or use magic in the conventional sense.

      • NT says:

        I seem to recall the Pactio system to be different than normal magic, since if we think of Asuna then it wouldn’t have been possible for her to even get one. She already displayed being able to go through Eva’s barrier once without the contract,(forget the love chocolate incident)

        I honestly think Touta could still be capable of having Pactio’s with people if he managed to control that white magic (i doubt it would prevent a pactio from happening) within those 8 months to some degree. I mean, he could always do it while using some sort of thing that replaces the Hula Hoops for that weird tech he has. Conventional means be damned for Touta lol

        and I’m sure of it because there’s no proof that Magic Cancel can cancel out a pactio.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I seem to recall the Pactio system to be different than normal magic, since if we think of Asuna then it wouldn’t have been possible for her to even get one. She already displayed being able to go through Eva’s barrier once without the contract,(forget the love chocolate incident)

          Asuna canceled magic targeted at her, then later, with her artifact, could cancel magical things not specifically targeted at her. That being said, she could take in mana and use it with chi (ki) for kankaho. She could ingest magic potions. So I saw the pactio system as being something that was channeling magic into her, which she could then use (kankaho, pactio artifact). Remember, the pactio artifacts are powered by the Magister, not the Minister/Ministra.

          I could accept Touta being a Minister and getting a pactio artifact since Asuna could do that. I do not accept the idea that Touta can be a Magister, since he is not a mage. But that’s just me. I’ve never liked the idea that Kotaro became a Magister, even though it was just done so he would have a tie with Natsumi.

  11. Rob C. says:

    Couple of points.
    Konoka and Setsuna “grand” children – It will be interesting see why the girls only mention “grandma” as a singular and not double. Something happened?

    Also, if Setsuna Sakurazaki still a blood relative – Are these two grandkids the same race or they hybrids with only some traits of it. IF Kurōmaru Tokisaka is the same race as Setsuna Sakurazaki, won’t that mean these Konoe kids have similar traits. They both look like and act like girls. They are younger than Kurōmaru who is likely two years older than they are.

    I like the Negima, it nice to have some throw back links to the old series, i do hope UQ Holder can stand on it own feet and give us new in story.

    • Dargor says:

      UQ Holder stopped being its own series the moment the Lifemaker was introduced as a antagonist, along with Touta being a half baked knock off of Negi and Asuna. The fact that UQ Holder is now featuring so much Negima stuff says to me Akamatsu realized that no one would bother with Holder without any Negima stuff. Which wouldn’t be a problem if Akamatsu actually used the new cast of characters instead of them only existing as a extension of Touta’s development.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        UQ Holder stopped being its own series the moment the Lifemaker was introduced as a antagonist, along with Touta being a half baked knock off of Negi and Asuna.

        The moment that Touta suddenly began to do things like mad, I began to suspect he was just a replacement for Negi. When Touta used ME without training, I knew Touta was a Negi substitute.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Konoka and Setsuna “grand” children – It will be interesting see why the girls only mention “grandma” as a singular and not double. Something happened?

      Well, only one girl mentioned grandma. From the Japanese, the other girl would likely automatically know whom the first girl was talking about, whether her own grandma or an older woman who could be either of their grandmothers.

      They both look like and act like girls. They are younger than Kurōmaru who is likely two years older than they are.

      I suspect Honoka and Isana may be more “ojousama” in character type since they are on board a starship that seems related to Setsuna’s condition, whereas Kuroumaru has had a hard life and not had any such luxuries that I imagine Honoka and Isana have had. (Konoka was an ojousama herself, if you recall.)

      I like the Negima, it nice to have some throw back links to the old series, i do hope UQ Holder can stand on it own feet and give us new in story.

      I don’t think that’s possible any more. Had Akamatsu-sensei done a longer arc of Kuroumaru, Eva, and Touta walking to UQH HQ, whereupon Touta could have been given an education from Eva and shown her own past to discuss immortality, then I think UQH could have stood on its own. However, having abandoned that for, “lets move on to the action and try to keep things random,” the Negima ties have become UQ Holder‘s strong points. 🙁 (I like the Negima stuff, mind you.)

  12. mattcgw says:

    The pattern so far is, arc, bait, arc, bait, 10 chapters, bait.
    I do hope akamatsu keeps the tournament arc 20 about 25 chapters.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      *lol* Well, I think we have more bait coming, and it wouldn’t surprise me that when this shifts back to the tournament, more bait with Mana. 😉

  13. sanchi says:

    “I am hoping to discover why Eva decided she needed the Yukihime alias. After all, Ayaka knows Eva has shifted from her real first name of Evangeline to Yukihime.”

    I have a very small amt of understanding the japanese language, and if I am incorrect, someone can please correct me. In UQ, Eva has been shown using ice – esp in the short exchange of opinions or battle with Fate in the underground caves under the UQ hide-out.

    It explained to me why she might be using the name Yukihime and how her name was appropriate, to hint to her power. Yuki (snow) and hime (princess) or snow princess. I’m sure she has other powers too, but is discreet to only show ice.

    I can see the name fits with the UQ she founded, and it can be a way of distancing herself from her deadly well known past name of Eva, and a way of avoiding all the bounty hunters trying to kill her at any time (ie: that other teacher in the early chapters that caused Touta to become a vampire), by giving herself a alias name. Even Kuromaru (whose last order from the school he was trained) was to kill Eva when found, and Kuromaru acted on that when he/she found out who Yukihime really was. Kuromaru was badly out-matched by Eva and even Touta.

    Now add this time-shifting thing paradox and Touta may have given Eva the idea to use the name of Yukihime too (and maybe creating UQ). It was not clear why Eva stayed in the country other than raising Touta. Or may have been to disappear or in mafia terminology being on “ice” for a time period… Or was to make sure Touta was ready for Dana when she appeared, remembering her encounters and her feelings some 450 plus years earlier — which is yet to be determined in the manga.

    I also go back to the first chapter – with Eva talking – she has a very particular viewpoint on immortality, and UQ Holder is a story about immortals or ‘such people’, who “ended up being so trivial.” As this story develops, she might end up changing what she thinks.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      The name Yukihime does fit with Eva’s ice magic mastery. However, she had a bounty for how ever long and still went by the name Evangeline. After reading what you wrote, I was suddenly struck by the idea that maybe Eva went with Yukihime name and look as part of a “new beginning.” As Evangeline, she considered herself dark and evil. As Yukihime, she considers herself something good (helping humanity).

      • sanchi says:

        Ditto on that too. I could not have said it better.

        On what happened to Eva in another discussion, when Dana took Touta for training, Dana did a number on Eva by making Eva’s adult body form bigger in specific areas like Dana’s where Eva’s abilities to change back were blocked for some reason, and Fate knew better and did nothing but watch what was happening. Ths was the last image of Eva. (its in Chapter/Stage 77). I just hope Eva was able to reverse the effects.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Eva reverted to her normal form. I suspect that she was able to remake her illusion though to be honest, I’d love to see her stay in her true form.

  14. sanchi says:

    I can’t remember exactly the details of the ending in Negima, but Eva was one and the other was Chao who met Asuna when she came back after her 100 yr of being sealed and brought her back in time to when Asuna had just left so Asuna could go on and graduate with her friends and Negi. Eva couldn’t go back to her time, so she decides to stay in the past. So there are/were two Eva(s) in the same time. So this could be the Eva from the future. Too many possibilities that hopefully be cleared up sometime.

    • dominic says:

      No she said she will jump into the alternate universe to seek after a single nagi

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Which reminds me, one of the things that bugged me about the end of Negima is how there were two Eva’s for a moment when Eva came back with Chao and Asuna, then one is “forgotten.”

  15. mattcgw says:

    Sad news, Astro-san. it would seem that Hayate the combat butler may not get any more animated material. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2015-09-30/animators-seeking-new-work-as-manglobe-site-goes-down/.93576
    Since manga globe were the ones to do the most recent Adaptations

    Which saddens me, because it means The world god only knows, will not get the Amazing “heart of jupiter” arc adapted. It also may mean further difficulties for shogakukan’s weekly shounen Sunday magazine, if no studio is willing to ‘adapt your shit’ then decline will become permanent for that magazine.

    As I previously said, TWGOK received continuous anime seasons despite selling so poorly, in regards to DVD/BD. The studio responsible for the anime was Manga Globe.
    Also no Deadman wonderland. damn it, but kadokawa is probably too tied up with Highschool DxD and LN’s in general

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Sad news, Astro-san. it would seem that Hayate the combat butler may not get any more animated material.

      It doesn’t surprise me. :-/

  16. goafo says:

    I’m late to the party, but trivial news is that 2017 is the year Setsuna/and Konoka got married~ [and of course, Akamatsu is still too coy to be more blatant of who they married, but should be obvious].
    Personally, I really wanted the Eva x Touta thing. Eva’s always been a fav of mine from Negima days, and Touta is a decent hybrid of the Thousand Master and Negi’s personalities. I must admit I was abit torn when I learned that it was no translation error that Eva had fallen i love with Negi after Nagi. Bit unfortunate for Karin, as she’s got a crush on Eva who will likely fall back in love with someone else of Nagi’s bloodline; she’s basically taken the Chachamaru role, albeit with more assertive personality.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Akamatsu is still too coy to be more blatant of who they married, but should be obvious

      Yeah, but the thing about Akamatsu-sensei is that he implies things frequently, then angers people by then establishing a canon that is different from what was earlier implied.

      Personally, I really wanted the Eva x Touta thing.

      I don’t, mainly because of the inseki (incestuous relations between adopted family members) element. Eva adopted Touta as a kid and began raising him as her own son. So having a sexual relationship between them is just not right to me.

      I must admit I was abit torn when I learned that it was no translation error that Eva had fallen i love with Negi after Nagi.

      In Negima, it was implied that she was falling for him, if for no other reason than as a replacement for Nagi since Negi looks like Nagi when in adult form. And in UQH, she was shown to be traveling with Negi as part of his new Ala Alba team. Considering Eva’s personality, I figured she wouldn’t do such a thing unless she really liked Negi. Doesn’t mean anything happened though.

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