Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 96, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 96 should come out late Tuesday night or Wednesday, U.S. time, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.)
The UQ Holder Chapter 96 goodness begins.^_^
This looks to be Chapter 96’s spoilers.
アジトに戻った刀太はまっすぐ雪姫の部屋へ そして開口一番
左フックが刀太に炸裂…ばぁか 五百年遅いわ
■目元に滲む嬉しさ 唇からこぼれる憎まれ口
Looks like we will get to see that meeting between Eva (as Yukihime) and Touta. And it does appear that Touta might be confessing to her. No word on Ayaka nor her presumed granddaughter (or great granddaughter). No word on Karin either. (Heh!heh!)
Hopefully, we’ll get a gracious person to give us a translation here. As usual, updates to follow, as warranted.
Update #1: Here’s a translation, from Gamen. ^_^
Touta’s shout
Touta who’s returned to base heads straight for Yukihime’s room, and the first thing he says is “I like you!!”
Munou-sempai’s broom snaps.
To Yukihime who is looking at him like what’s this guy saying, Touta goes “Please be my partner every night”
Yukihime goes “Like hell”
A left hook explodes at Touta.Idiot, you’re 500 years late.
Happiness welling up in her eyes, abuse overflowing from her lips.
I don’t know who Munou is. ^_^; Regardless, thanks to Gamen for this!
Update #2: According to Hata, Munou-sempai (無能先輩) is the 2ch nickname for Karin. That makes sense with the broom snapping. I guess 2ch calls her this because in all the stories she participated in, Akamatsu-sensei had her become useless in order for Touta to be the hero.
More updates when there are spoiler images.
Update #3: MK’s spoiler images.
Hmmm. Well, all the images are focusing on Eva x Touta with Karin on the side. I was hoping to see something about Ayaka, Chachamaru, and the girl. We’ll see when the chapter actually comes out if they are around or not.
Touta’s shout
Touta who’s returned to base heads straight for Yukihime’s room, and the first thing he says is “I like you!!”
Munou-sempai’s broom snaps.
To Yukihime who is looking at him like what’s this guy saying, Touta goes “Please be my partner every night”
Yukihime goes “Like hell”
A left hook explodes at Touta.
Idiot, you’re 500 years late.
Happiness welling up in her eyes, abuse overflowing from her lips.
Munou Senpai should be Kirie’s term for talking about Touta, Mr. Incompetent in the official translation.
Actually, it turns out that it is the 2ch community’s term for Karin.
I think the spoiler provide made a ?deliberate? mistake and meant muyou-senpai = 無用先輩 = ussless senpai. Makes way more sense with the broom.
My favorite character in this manga.
Reduced to ‘Useless-sempai’ while the living black hole has everything centered around him.
Bring me a table so I can flip it.
I like Karin, but I do find it amusing somewhat that the Japanese fans call her Useless-senpai. That’s Akamatsu-sensei’s fault for making her useless at critical times so that Touta can be the hero.
Is ‘useless-senpai’ new? Touta called Karin this way back at the end of the Sayoko-arc. So I thought it was kind of obvious who was meant.
It isn’t “new” in that I see 2ch references to it going back to the 40s in the chapters. I didn’t remember it coming up in the manga though. It wouldn’t surprise me if it did. Do you remember the exact chapter?
It should be the chapter after Sayako’s defeat, when they are going to the puplic bath. Can’t look up chapters right now, sorry
I took a break and looked. He calls her useless as a jab in chapter 61 after she scolds him for not helping write the reports. I don’t think he then started addressing her as Useless-senpai though.
As it turns out, the term is used to describe Karin.
Awww, too bad Karin isn’t there: seeing her wrath of jealousy would have been priceless.
Turns out, she is. The term the Japanese use for her is derogatory (Useless-senpai), which is why I didn’t recognize it.
Hmm, some of my friends questioned the reliability of the spoil (because yes, Tota Yukihime that asks to sleep with him, as it directly, it’s not really the kind of stuff he would say. Unless if is like before the arrival of Dana and his words have overwhelmed his thought under the influence of emotion … is a possibility.)
Based on the images, the spoilers are correct.
Touta is the Dovakinn who got Serena to have a makeover.
So that SnowBlade ship is real!
As long as their is a KonoSetsu wedding picture, sometime in the near future. I will proceed to still not caring and refrain from calling the ship a tumor.
Still don’t understand why akamatsu-sensei indulged in all these time-space shenanigans, when he could have done it anyway! UQ holder is a series about longlived people, age doesn’t matter.
He appears to like time travel stories.
Well, damn O_O
They don’t pussyfoot around!
Apparently not.
No male protagonist in a potential harem manga has ever said something that’s completely understood :p
I meant to say misunderstood
Can’t wait for this chapter
Yeah, it should be interesting.
Maybe its not a ‘partner’ in the common understanding of a love relationship (which may be still very possible), but more like a ‘opponent’ every night? – which then sounds more like Touta’s current ‘training to be the best theme’ of asking Yuki to be his (Touta’s) partner/sensei to train under her every night. I’m not good in translation, but throwing out that possibility.
Yuki’s response is a swinging left hook saying “Idiot!! You’re 500 yrs too late!”
That means too that Yuki did remembered all that happened, even after 450-500yrs. Raising Touta fits the story better, as in a possibility of why she stayed at that village as a teacher – she knew sometime in her future this Touta will be taken by Dana to train.
That’s probably what happened, but there’s always the possibility that Touta did change history to a degree and they are on a slightly different timeline.
I don’t know what the original Negima term was to describe pactio partners (don’t have time to look it up at the moment), but there does appear to be a Japanese term that can mean lover or just partner in a non-romantic or sexual sense.
First time I’ve seen, NO in a manga raw.
I’ve seen it before. I’m pretty sure it has been used in Genshiken.
OMG! Eva-san being moe! Still the best girl. Hopefully the new chapter is up on time tomorrow.
Putting the term “moe” with Eva makes me laugh for some reason, but you are right, of course.
I would have died by a heart attack if Eva said those words in her loli form.
There is so much HHHhhhGgggGgg already Even in adult form.
hmm… third spoiler pic down – in background we see Kuromaru and Kirie who must have been listening in the back room, falling over – typical scene when someone says something not so polite or correct – so maybe Tota does ask Yuki about being his love partner every night ( but meant to say something else?) More so since both Kuro and Kirie are competing for Touta too.
Yeah, and that’s how it turned out to be.
I hope this is not too early – Please do not read this till you read the chapter!!
The chapter shows both discussion theories of what was to happen! – His love and wanting to marry her, AND also being trained by her. Yuki’s answer is a very strong rejection of Touta, or is it? Its that last image of the chapter of Yuki smiling … leaving it quite open — as in late is better than never.
I am assuming the VIP ‘guests’ are the Konoe twins and Ayako’s party of grand daughter and Chachamaru, and all will be making their appearance to Touta in the coming chapters, as he works at the Inn.
I liked Karin’s response, and in character to who she is, how she sees things, and her feelings of loyalty, love for, and protecting Yukihime, with a very obvious bit of jealousy.
I’m getting the feeling that Yukihime is having a hard time trying to keep Touta out of the tournament as much as possible seeing that he still isn’t at the level or better than Fate. First was the verbal order to not enter, which failed to stop Touta, and now she has the other more senior/adult numbers to watch Touta and crew to prevent him from leaving, where Touta has to defeat them before he can leave for the tournament. This could give some more information about the hide-out and other numbers.
I’m sure it will also have many Negima references too.
I don’t know about the Konoe girls, but Ayaka and company for sure.
Which is part of the reason why I want her to have a pactio with Eva to make that even stronger.
As to the tournament, I don’t know if Eva will try to stop him or not, though he is grounded at the moment.