Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11 (More Allies) #FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11
#FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia

Fate/Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア- Episode 11
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majū Sensen Babylonia ep. 11

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis

Gilgamesh remembers his friend Enkidu, then is forced to deal with pressing matters of State. Meanwhile, Merlin provides cover while the rest of Ritsuka’s party approaches Quetzalcoatl’s Aztec temple, complete with her second Nobel Phantasm (NP) activated at the top. Since words won’t reach Quetzalcoatl, the battle commences. Quetzalcoatl toys with all of Ritsuka’s Servants before defeating them one by one.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

Romani urges Ritsuka to destroy Quetzalcoatl’s calendar NP while the others keep her engaged. However, Ritsuka has an idea since Quetzalcoatl always speaks of her love for humanity. As such, he has Ishtar fly him high in the sky, then he jumps off, aiming at Quetzalcoatl. When he comes to, he’s on her lap and has passed her test. Therefore, she becomes his Rider Servant.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

Quetzalcoatl has her winged creatures fly the multi-story sized Axe of Marduk to Uruk. Romani contacts Ritsuka and scolds him for not following orders, even if the results were positive. Communication gets cut off with Chaldea, so Mash comes to chat with Ritsuka. Ritsuka recalls a warning from the Ruler-class Servant, Sherlock Holmes, about Romani. Mash recalls a conversation with the good doctor. As such, they decide to carry on no matter what secrets he has.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

That evening, Ishtar pays Ritsuka a visit and praises him. She causes him to sleep. When he awakes, she has blonde hair and a different outfit, but she puts him back to sleep. The party arrive at Uruk, where Siduri races out with news about Gilgamesh. Elsewhere, Gilgamesh awakens to find himself in the underworld, apparently dead.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11


The fun of Babylonia continues with Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11


The fight against Quetzalcoatl was pretty fun. However, I was disappointed that Ishtar didn’t have more punch. After all, Ishtar should be the most powerful Servant in Ritsuka’s stable. Unfortunately, Quetzalcoatl put a beat-down on all of the Servants. I get why that happened, but it was probably the one thing I didn’t like about the fight. I wanted some of them to get some licks in.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

As to Ritsuka’s solution to winning Quetzalcoatl, that was pretty gutsy. I found it interesting that Ishtar immediately knew what Ritsuka planned when he called her over.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

I think it would have been fun to witnessed Quetzalcoatl and Ishtar talking. Ishtar seemed somewhat weary of Quetzalcoatl at times. So I guess I was looking for a little comedy on that front. But, it was not to be.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

More Flashbacks

Once again, we are given flashbacks to stories that will almost certainly never be animated. For Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11, that started with seeing Ruler-class Sherlock Holmes giving Ritsuka a warning about Romani. This is to advance Romani’s plot thread, which has been absent until this very episode.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

Also, we see Mash’s flashback. And we also have a collage of previous Servants that they’ve encountered. If the entire FGO story had been properly done from start to finish, things would have been so much better in my opinion.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

I’m a bit behind, so let me wrap up my review of Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11.

  • Jaguar Man’s Taiga puns gets lost with the literal use of “Tiger” in the subtitles.
  • The blonde Ishtar mystery continues. While I don’t know the actual story, I am somewhat privy to some elements of this, so I look forward to that.
  • Because I skip the game story in FGO, I was surprised to see Gilgamesh in the realm of the dead. So it will be interesting to see where that goes.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

In the end, Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11 was a pretty fun episode. I was a little disappointed that no one touched Quetzalcoatl in battle.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11

Note: For those interested, I do have some videos on YouTube created for the Fate/Grand Order mobile game. I’m looking to hit 1000 subscribers on YouTube, so click this link to help me reach my goal. 😁

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6 Responses to “Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 11 (More Allies) #FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia”

  1. arimareiji says:

    I hope this isn’t the mother of all dumb questions…

    HWhy would Ritsuka trying to go lemming on her sway Quetzalcoatl? Is it some sort of Titanic “You jump, I jump” thing?

    Is it because now she’s the first anime harem member in history who the MC actually tries to jump on? (^_~)

    • arimareiji says:

      (I hope the extreme lame-itude of the jokes didn’t half-kill you… I’m just trying to mask how dumb I feel, because I literally got nothin’ on why that would have mattered.

      Also, just to pre-answer a logical objection to the above: Keitaro from Love Hina doesn’t count, due to the “tries to” qualifier. Remember, all those times he jumped on the girls were accidents. Every single one of them. (^_~))

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Why would Ritsuka trying to go lemming on her sway Quetzalcoatl?

      As I understood it, Quetzalcoatl loves humanity. When she was “slaughtering” humans, she immediately brought them back to life. So Ritsuka was betting that she would do the same for him and be impressed by his act of faith.

      Is it because now she’s the first anime harem member in history who the MC actually tries to jump on? (^_~)

      Hahaha! You may be onto something there. 😉

      • arimareiji says:

        Thank you – “He was demonstrating his absolute belief in her goodness and his absolute commitment to his cause” does sort of make sense. I was afraid it would be some game-mechanical reason that boiled down to “Because we said so”.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I was afraid it would be some game-mechanical reason that boiled down to “Because we said so”.

          Haha! Well, there’s always a risk of that. But in this case, I don’t believe that’s the case.

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