Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 09 (Caster Love) #衛宮ごはん

Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 09
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan 09
衛宮さんちの今日のごはん 09

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis

Caster overhears Reikan suggest to her beloved Souichirou-sama she make him taro. As such, Caster (Medea) seeks out Shirou for assistance. The two head to Lancer’s fish place to buy fish before getting other stuff they need. At the Emiya residence, Shirou is amused at Caster taking on the role of new wife.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Shirou walks Caster through the process of making this meal. As the pair put the fish on the internal grill, Saber enters the room. She’s shocked by Caster being there and doesn’t believe that Caster is there for cooking lessons. Further, she is very suspicious of the food Caster has made, but when Shirou tells her it is OK, she reluctantly tries some.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Upon learning Caster’s taro tastes good, and seeing that Saber is doing it for her husband-Master, Saber allows the cooking lessons to proceed. Once Caster and Shirou finish cooking, the trio enjoy a meal together.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Caster returns to the Ryudouji to make this meal for Souichirou. However, it doesn’t look as good as what she made with Shirou. Souichirou enters the kitchen and tries some. She’s pleased when she learns he finds to food tasty. The two then head to the table to eat together.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09


It really is lovely watching a TYPE-MOON anime that isn’t dark, abusing lolis, and the like. As such, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 09 was yet another trip into loveliness.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Caster Fun

In the Carnival Phantasm, Caster from Fate/stay night was absolutely hilarious. Her comedy aspects remain in Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 09. OK, it wasn’t as long as I would have liked, but her interactions with Saber just had me laughing out loud. I only wish we could have gotten some in-joke reference to Caster’s obsession with Saber, as shown in Carnival Phantasm.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Still, I have to say that I like seeing Caster portrayed as she was in this episode. As I’ve said, I like how this series comes off as a “what if” perfect end to Fate/stay night. So it warms my heart seeing Caster (Medea) in love and being loved by Souichirou (in his own, unique way, of course).

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 09 is another fun, lovely, and even funny episode. Oh yeah, and Lancer helped add to the fun.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family 09

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