Top 5 Favorite Anime Female Characters Recently, I was asked in a general fashion what my top four female characters were. Well, I decided to give a top five. My criteria is not based on their waifu possibility. I may do a list for that later. Also, I only include characters from titles I’ve watched.
Posts Tagged ‘Fate-Stay Night franchise’

Fate/Grand Carnival New Year’s Eve Special 2020 Review

Fate/Grand Carnival New Year’s Eve Special 2020 Review Fate/Grand Carnival First Singular Party: The Carnival Olympia of Heroic Spirits- Flame of Mad Festival I’ve mentioned this before, but I loved Carnival Phantasm. It not only takes characters and situations from Fate/stay night and Tsukihime for comedic purposes, it also does a lot of general comedy

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Prisma Phantasm OVA Review

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Prisma Phantasm OAV Review I loved Carnival Phantasm, which did comedic and parody stuff, using characters and situations from Fate/stay night and Tsukihime. In one of my recent Twitch streams, I was informed about Fate/Grand Carnival, which is reportedly going to be the first in a string of such comedy-parody anime,

First Anime Crushes

First Anime Crushes Sometimes, I see silly little things going around social media. A recent one was, “Without stating your age, name your first anime crushes.” And it was limited to four. So I thought I’d play along, via the blog. I really don’t have 2D crushes, though as a teenager, I really liked Magik

Fate/Extella Link: Trying Out Tamamo

Fate/Extella Link: Trying Out Tamamo Hey gang! I’m still really overrun of late. And I’m still not getting enough sleep. 😴 But enough with the whinging. 😅 Because I have paying subscribers to my Twitch channel, I continue make my twice a week Twitch streaming a priority. And though it only shows up briefly in

More “Fate/Extella Link” Fun

More “Fate/Extella Link” Fun Hey gang! I’m really overrun of late. I’m still not getting enough sleep, which really hurts me all over the place. But, I continue to do my weekly Twitch streaming since I have paying subscribers. And one of my Friday night PC games has become Fate/Extella Link. This allows me to

Returning to “Fate/Extella Link”

Returning to “Fate/Extella Link” Hey gang! Things have been NUTS of late. And to be honest, I haven’t been getting enough sleep. So it has been hard for me to be focused enough to do many things, especially writing. Heck, that lack of focus spilled over into my recent Dishonored video (YouTube link here). But

A “Fate/Grand Order” Kraken

A “Fate/Grand Order” Kraken Hey gang! As long time readers of my blog know, I’m a MASSIVE fan of the Fate franchise. This includes titles like Fate/stay night, Fate/Zero, Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family, and so much more. And of course, this includes the gacha mobile game, Fate/Grand Order. On