Please Twins Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

Please Twins Review
Onegai Twins

Since the Community Anime Reviews site is very unstable of late, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

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Community Anime Review of Please Twins

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 13-Mar-2003.)

I’m really borderline on Please Twins mainly because of how disappointed I am in the series. I had been sold a bill of goods to get to watch the series. While I knew the series was a spinoff-sequel focusing on new characters, the early buzz was that the three new characters would be alien. This would be reflected by their deep, blue eyes. Heck, the smegging promotional image made a point of showing how all of their eyes were blue. Alas that aspect was not to be found in the 12 episodes aside from mentioning, “Duh, we all gots blue eyes. Dat must mean sompin.”

The Sequel

Please TeacherWho was back from Onegai Teacher? Mizuho is back though she seemed dumber this time. Marie is here and provides some of the funniest moments in the series, including an explosive nose bleed when he sees the girls naked! Kei has had some non-speaking cameos and his marriage to Mizuho-sensei is not a secret (nor is Marie’s presence). Ichigo is back but now she’s a sort of stalker who’s always plotting and planning. And Kei’s other male friend who didn’t get a girl in Please Teacher is back, though now he just lusts after his own sister. Ugh.

The main problem with the series is it is extremely ecchi. You’ll get to see Karen and Miina naked a lot, sometimes managing to fall into positions to make it look like they are engaged in activities to make yuri fans happy. Then the writers push hard the incest fantasy aspects of the show by having both girls fall in love with Maiku even though the might be related. *sigh* So many things go unanswered that it annoyed me.

That’s not to say it was all bad. They have a decent ending to the series (IMO). Marie was a blast. And the homosexual guy who was doing the tired old “please let me play jackhammer with your buttocks Miaku” turned out to be semi-interesting.

Bottom line:

Too ecchi for my tastes and a big disappointment from what I had been lead to believe the series would be about. But it does have some good moments and thus I give it a borderline “Rent”. Should another Onegai title come out, I doubt I’ll try to watch it.

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2 Responses to “Please Twins Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)”

  1. Carl Ogan says:

    I agree with your review because there was no SciFi links like there were in Please Teacher with Human falls in love with an Alien. The only SciFi link in Please Twins is when the three kids (Mike,Karen, Miina) see the same news story about people seeing the flying saucer (which was Mizuho Kazami’s spaceship from Please Teacher) when the three kids notice that behind the news reporter is the house that is in the photos all the kids have from their childhood (the only connection to their pass. Now comes interesting stuff – The during the series the kids talk about having grown up in different orphanages with only this picture of two of them playing in a small pool (who ever left them at the orphanage didn’t even tell them their names so the orphanage named them. Then in the end Karen looking at the photo of them in the pool realizes that they are actually in the front yard of the house they thought was theirs so Karen go up the house above and finds it deserted and in a closet she finds a box of photos and and papers and learns that Mike & Karen are the twins (so who is Miina and why did she have a copy of the photo?) and they stop there (they did not tell us everything until the very end during the ending song then Karen’s voices comes on tells us that the girl in the picture with Mike is Miina, Karen was in taking a nap – WTF? So who is Miina?? she was with them back then – and the episode ENDS (I’m sure that 99% of the audience missed this) They put out a Manga and a light novel both which suck at the back story (again no SciFi link to their story). From the Anime we must ask a question – WHY were they kids put into THREE different orphanages without their real names and leaving a copy of the same picture of the two kids in the pool??? I put my Sherlock Holmes Hat on (or was it my Fox Mulder from X-files black trench coat) shouldn’t they have kept the kids together? It sure looks to me that someone was trying to HIDE these three kids – and from this new revelation I sat down and wrote a 140 page screenplay called Please Twins II that answers all questions and makes tie in to Please Teacher SciFi wise. You can read this at FanFiction .net I will give you a hint, remember that in Please Teacher our Mizuho is half human half Alien. My story picks up with the kids in their Senior year in high school (a year after the original) as they slowly learn the truth. I hope this gives us hope of fixing the original Please Twins! I wrote this in 2008. I have been an Anime fan for so long that when I would came home from elementary school I would watch the original Astro Boy being broadcasted for the first time in the USA (it was 1963)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      (Reposting this here too!)

      It has been YEARS since I watched the Onegai franchise since these posts were CAR rescues. You remember more than I do. I still have my “Please Teacher” DVDs, but I never got the “Please Twins” (either that or I sold them years ago). So the questions you pose. I have nothing.

      I probably should rewatch “Please Teacher” and do a fresh review as a “Back to the Vaults” post. 😅

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