Keroro Gunsou Episode 129 (Indecision #SgtFrog)

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129
ケロロ軍曹/Sgt. Frog
Anime Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Keroro tries to convince the platoon that Kiruru is in fact Mash. To his surprise, when Keroro throws the ball, Kiruru goes and retrieves it. However, the platoon aren’t so convinced, believing that Kiruru will destroy Earth. Kiruru behaves like a young child and is entertained by one of Keroro’s Gunpla models. Giroro and Keroro fight over Keroro’s indecisiveness, which results in a triangle on Keroro’s butt.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

That night, others have indecisive moments, leading to triangles forming on them. With each triangle, Kiruru gets larger. Giroro confronts Keroro a second time. They head to their base, where they find Kiruru has grown quite a lot. Meanwhile, Keron has dispatched a mother ship. They want Kiruru returned as it is a defective unit. In addition, the ship dispatches numerous, correctly working Kiruru units.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

The new Kiruru units cause X’s to replace the triangles on those who have a negative emotion. However, Keroro’s and Giroro’s continued indecisiveness causes Kiruru to grow even more, damaging the base. As such, Keroro goes out to plead with the mother ship. His continued bartering causes Kiruru to grow to bursting point. As such, Kiruru fires off the energy, hitting the mother ship.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

The Keron folks inside the ship become indecisive, and thus forgo the invasion. All of the other Kiruru units get triangles and return to the ship. The first Kiruru is now very small. However, he leaves with the other Kiruru units, never to be repaired by Keron. With that, the Keron mother ship returns home.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129


And so, Keroro Gunsou Episode 129 wraps up the first half of season 3. When writers need to press that big, red, reset button to maintain the status quo, the sky’s the limit on what they’ll do. As such, I never would have predicted that the resolution of this story arc would be that the “super weapon” Kiruru would be defective, and spread its “defect” to all of Keron.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

Thus, the writers have set things up so that Keron should be saddled with the inability to make a decision. Or rather, a major decision. If one thinks about it, no matter how indecisive one is, they still make decisions about various things in their life. Haha! Well, it is just something that came to my mind.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

Anyway, if Keron isn’t pressing for an invasion, then what drives the platoon? That was always the major motivation, even if half-hearted. I mean, Keroro can do his Gunpla, or maybe come up with some scam to pay for more Gunpla. But what about the others? I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see. After all, there are a TON of episodes still to watch. 😅

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Keroro Gunsou Episode 129 was fun for what it was. There have been worst ways to kill 30 minutes.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 129

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