Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 106 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Erza and Misaki fall from the Blue Dimension, where Erza immediately takes massive damage. Fortunately, Wendy shows up to mitigate the damage. The battered Misaki is unconscious. Lily moves to lay Haku next to Misaki, but he “wakes up” to cling to Wendy. Lily knocks him out and the group sets off.
Elsewhere, Laxus has thoughts on how Virgo has bound herself and the unconscious Lucy up in order to get Lucy to safety.
Still elsewhere, Natsu and Suzaku make their way deeper into the dungeon. They find Ignia standing before a pedestal with Elefseria’s human hear. Ignia tells Dogramag that everything is ready. As he takes the heart, Selene teleports in and attacks. Ignia blocks the attack and destroys the heart.
Ignia wonders why Selene has chosen humans over dragons. She states that the age of dragons is over. Ignia disagrees, saying it has only just begun. The two change into their dragon form as Natsu and Suzaku observe.
I smell the start of a redemption arc for Selene in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 106. At this point, there’s no doubt that she wants to kill the other dragons. However, until this chapter, I presumed that she basically just wanted to rule humans without any other dragon in opposition. Any words she said to the contrary were just words.
That said, when Ignia questions why Selene would join the side of humans, it struck me that he doesn’t believe she has any kind of nefarious goal. Ignia and the supposedly deceased Dogramag apparently do want to reign supreme. And since Mashima-sensei loves to redeem bad guilds and their members, I can see how those gears could be set in motion.
As I see it, Selene battles Ignia. She loses and dies, but manages to wound Ignia enough to where Natsu and Suzaku combined could deal with him. Of course there’s Dogramag to consider. So maybe Dogramag resurrects, the wounded Ignia flees to recover some, and Natsu and Suzaku have to fight Dogramag. Not sure how Diabolos would react to Selene’s death, but we’ll see how things play out.
Finally, it is a good thing plot got Wendy to the scene to heal Erza. One would think that Misaki should be dead after taking that massive a hit in the Blue Dimension (that’s Erza for you), then exiting to take more damage. 🤷♂️
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 106 finishes one battle, but starts a new battle between dragons.