Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 108 Manga Review (Earth Dragon #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 108 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Selene’s apparent mortal wound enrages Natsu. The dungeon shakes and gives signs of collapse. Kirin runs into Laxus and challenges him despite the issues with the labyrinth. Laxus sends Virgo to take Lucy to the surface to deal with Kirin.

Meanwhile, the earth dragon god Dogramag rises up. After greeting each other, Dogramag reveals that his plan with Ignia is complete. Dogramag wants to eat the humans in the labyrinth. Ignia gives his permission, sans Natsu. After Ignia leaves, Dogramag forces Natsu to stay by threatening the humans.

Dogramag turns into human form to challenge Natsu. He reveals that not only did he create the labyrinth, he is the labyrinth. Outside, Elefseria understands that Dogramag used his heart to store up energy.


And so another dragon god appears in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 108. Dogramag’s dragon face reminds me of Pong Krell from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. His humanoid form looks like some big, black fighter with dreads. I hate it that my first thought was, “I wonder how many terminally offended folks would this trigger?”

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 108

That aside, Dogramag and Ignia are working together for some reason I cannot even fathom. Dogramag created the labyrinth, yet somehow is the labyrinth. Not sure how that completely works since Dogramag revealed his earth dragon form before showing his humanoid form.  Yet the dungeon still remains as far as I can tell, though heavily damaged.

This chapter reminded us that Elefseria is outside dying. Not sure how he knows what’s going on in the dungeon. And inside the dungeon, Selene is dying. After seeing Elefseria, I’ve decided that Selene won’t actually die from what should be a mortal wound. I cannot fathom Mashima-sensei killing Elefseria. And honestly, there were already hints of a Selene redemption arc. So I suspect Mashima-sensei will keep her alive via Wendy and she’ll become an ally of Fairy Tail to take down the other dragons, as will Diabolos.

Speaking of Diabolos, I guess to turn Diabolos into allies, Laxus must first defeat Kirin in a fight that otherwise makes no sense.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 108 brings in a “new” dragon, no doubt to extend the life of the series. Considering how moves like this aren’t uncommon in manga, we’ll roll with it and see where things go.

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