Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 111 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Natsu and Suzaku continue their futile fight against Dogramag. Meanwhile, the dying Selene reverts to humanoid form. She tells Happy that Natsu and Suzaku cannot defeat a dragon god. However, dragon gods have weaknesses, and Dogramag’s weakness is the labyrinth. In order to grow the dungeon, he had to place gemstones infused with a portion of his power. By destroying the gemstones, Dogramag would be weakened enough for Natsu and Suzaku to overcome him.
Using the last of her strength, she teleports to where Gray, Natsu, Gajeel, Charle (Carla), and Lily are. Happy briefs them, so Gajeel brings out a black sphere he found and gives it to Selene. She destroys it and says they must find the other 71 cores. Selene then opens portals to Lucy’s and Laxus’s locations so that she can request their assistance in destroying the gemstones and thus Dogramag.
There’s a bit of continuity in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 111. In reality, there’s no way Fairy Tail could defeat any dragon god. For Mercphobia, he’s already been weakened by Faris. Plus, he’d checked out of the dragon game, save for one incident beyond his control. For Aldoron, he had five orbs containing his power, each becoming an entity that when destroyed, weakened the wood dragon god so they could defeat him.
With Dogramag, we have a similar power orb situation. However, it seems that this time, the orbs do not contain an aspect of the dragon’s conscious, but just a portion of the dragon’s power. So in that regard, they have a plan to defeat Dogramag, this time for good.
As to Selene, she’s for sure on her redemption arc. Whether Mashima-sensei decides to kill her or not remains to be seen. Wendy’s near her now, so she may be able to heal Selene.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 111 sets up a path to defeat Dogramag, and I believe sets Selene firmly on her redemption path.