Taika Waititi Ready to Destroy “AKIRA”

Taika Waititi Ready to Destroy “AKIRA”

Hey gang! I got pinged last week regarding Taika Waititi’s next project. It seems that his announced Star Wars project is going to wait until he finishes working on his next project — a live-action remake of AKIRA. šŸ˜‘ Here’s my video on the topic.



If Thor: Love and Thunder proved anything, it is that Taika Waititi shouldn’t be given the keys to write, produce, and direct a film. That’s not to say he hasn’t done good stuff in the past. But I just can’t imagine him doing justice to AKIRA.

I would also like to say that in the video, I called AKIRA a great movie. But I went back to my Community Anime Review and discovered I didn’t care for it that much. šŸ˜… But to be fair, it has been almost 20 years since I watched it. I don’t think I want to rewatch it, but since all of this dropped, there is a part of me that would like to give it a gander.

Maybe if Taika actually gets the moving going, I’ll rewatch the anime movie.


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6 Responses to “Taika Waititi Ready to Destroy “AKIRA””

  1. arimareiji? says:

    Please forgive the crudity: Rule 1 of Hollywood: There exists no classic whose greatness can exceed the desire of Hollybros to “improve” it (aka fingerpaint on it with *beep*).
    Rule 2: In the event that you think you’ve found an exception, keep it to yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be giving the Hollybros ideas.

    (Not that AKIRA, which I’ve never seen, is a proper example of this principle.)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, arimareiji was your old name. I remembered the avatar and was pretty sure I remembered the email address. Glad to see you around!

      Out of curiosity, did you see the Netflix adaptation of One Piece?

      • arimareiji says:

        I haven’t seen the real thing yet, or come to think of it any of the “Netflix originals” as far as I can rememberā€¦ I find myself fascinatedly horrified to wonder what the Netflix adaptation would be like. How about you?

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Crap. Not sure what happened to my notifications. They weren’t showing anything, but then I noticed “Recent Commends” had you there.

          I havenā€™t seen the real thing yet, or come to think of it any of the ā€œNetflix originalsā€ as far as I can rememberā€¦ I find myself fascinatedly horrified to wonder what the Netflix adaptation would be like. How about you?

          I’ve heard very positive things about the live action One Piece. A lot of non-anime fans have watched and really been impressed, so much so that volume 1 of the manga is trending in sales. No doubt Viz is very happy about that. I’m rather interested to see it. I have borrowed the first several volumes of the manga to give them a look-see. Not sure if I’ll blog about them or not. I may do a “first look” entry though.

          • arimareiji says:

            No worries. (^_^)b

            I guess it only figures that with much of recent anime fare seemingly in a toilet spiral (at least imo), someone else has to be improving. The law of conservation of matter and energy and suckacity, you know. (^_~)

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Haha! For sure!

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