Taika Waititi Ready to Destroy “AKIRA” Hey gang! I got pinged last week regarding Taika Waititi’s next project. It seems that his announced Star Wars project is going to wait until he finishes working on his next project — a live-action remake of AKIRA. ð Here’s my video on the topic. If Thor:
Posts Tagged ‘live-action’

FX’s “ShÅgun” to Air in 2023

FX’s ShÅgun to Air in 2023 Hey everyone. I loved the original 1980 ShÅgun mini-series. I even did a review of the series here. Outside of the dated, Western incidental music, and the dated hairstyles of a couple of the non-Japanese characters, the original mini-series holds up quite well. But Hollywood always thinks they need

“Mr. Baseball” — A Movie of Japanese Culture and Business Practices

“Mr. Baseball” — A Movie of Japanese Culture and Business Practices –> Buy Mr. Baseball from Amazon.com! *SPOILER REVIEW!!!* Back when I lived in Japan, filming began on Mr. Baseball so forgive me if I get a bit nostalgic here because this is Japan as I remember it. That said, every time there’s a controversy

Skydance Productions (and others) Apparently Want “Star Blazers”, Not “Space Battleship Yamato”

Skydance Productions (and others) Apparently Want “Star Blazers”, Not “Space Battleship Yamato” I was reading what AICN reported about the attempts by Skydance Productions and possibly even Lucasfilm going after the rights to do a Star Blazers live-action film rather than a Hollywood treatment of Space Battleship Yamato. Well, you guys know my negative feelings

Live-action Fruits Basket Movie — Another American Rape of a Popular Japanese Manga/Anime?

My work schedule being what it is, I sometimes don’t get around to catching all of the news as it comes out. However, I eventually found out that Fruits Basket has been licensed to receive a Hollywood live-action adaptation into a movie. At that moment, I immediately felt like throwing up at the thought of

ShÅgun — Why You Should Watch This 1980 Mini-series

ShÅgun — Why You Should Watch This 1980 Mini-series –> Purchase the Blu-ray or DVD from Amazon.com Shogun Mini-series Review (DVD) I was 10-years old when this mini-series was released in the U.S. As such, I would not have been allowed to watch this back then. Naturally, now that I’m into things Japanese, I had

Another Live-Action Anime Title — Bubblegum Crisis

Another Live-Action Anime Title — Bubblegum Crisis The stream of live-action adaptations of anime titles continues, this time the old-school Bubblegum Crisis is on the table (Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 being the reboot, but I don’t think it is being considered). I knew of Bubblegum Crisis when I was in Japan and I’m sure saw