Mahoromatic: Summer Special Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

Mahoromatic: Summer Special Review
まほろまてぃっく 夏のTVスペシャル
Mahoromatic Natsu no TV Special

Since the Community Anime Reviews site has had numerous outages recently, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

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Community Anime Review of Mahoromatic: Summer Special

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 13-Oct-2004.)

Mahoromatic Summer SpecialWhile the entire Mahoromatic series is too ecchi for my tastes (the manga has an even greater ecchi content), I have to say that I’ve enjoyed watching the series. This TV Special I found to be the funniest of the lot.

I’m not sure why this special was done as it obviously had to backtrack in order to be told. But there must have been a demand for another humor-filled episode with Mahoro-san and Suguru-san. And this is funny. Watching Suguru-san try to protect his ecchi (porn) collection from being destroyed was funny. Mahoro-san managing to get Minawa-chan and the rest of Suguru’s female friends in on the act (as well as Shikijo-sensei) made it even funnier. Heck, even Slash got roped into this battle. I just laughed and laughed.

Still, it is very ecchi. The lolicon crowd will be pleased to hear that all the girls get naked and their breast get fully exposed. Ironically, this isn’t Gainax’s most ecchi title. That belongs to Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster.

Bottom Line

I have to believe that fans of the series will enjoy this “filler” TV Special for all of the laughs. I did.

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