Top 5 Favorite Current Manga (January 2025) Surprisingly, these posts get a bit of traction. And it is a fun way for me to keep tabs on the ebbs and flows of current manga. Also, I repurpose old posts when I am pressed for time. 😜 Frieren sadly disappears from the list as it is
Posts Tagged ‘Frieren (manga)’

Top Five Favorite Current Manga (October 2024)

Top Five Favorite Current Manga (October 2024) I’m insanely busy, so it is time for some cheap content. Plus it is also a way to track the ebbs and flows of manga series I’m following. This will be for current manga. And yeah, I am repurposing old text where possible. 😜 5. Frieren – Beyond

Top Five Favorite Current Manga (August 2024)

Top Five Favorite Current Manga (August 2024) Hey gang! I’m thinking from time to time, I’ll put out a list of favorite manga (and maybe anime as well). Yeah, it is cheap content. But it is also a way to track the ebbs and flows of manga series I’m following. This will be for current

A First Look at “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End”

A First Look at Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Sousou no Frieren 葬送のフリーレン Frieren, the Final Farewell to the Dead (literal) For some time now, I’ve seen posts on Twitter about a silver haired, female elf mage and some companions. Sometimes it is a party of four (with two human males and one dwarf male )