Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 248) *SPOILERS* 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 248 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 248 Summary/Synopsis: Negi presses his attack on Jack with the “Taiindou” — Magia Erebea’s ultimate move. Copy-Eva is impressed with Negi’s moves as is Jack, who realizes he’s in big trouble. Negi’s attacks beat Jack and Negi’s
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’

Negima! Manga Volume 21 (Now With More Adaptation Changes)

Negima! Manga Volume 21 (Now With More Adaptation Changes) Buy Negima! Magister Negi Magi, Vol. 21 from! For detailed chapter summaries with review, those can be found here. Chapter 187 Chapter 188 Chapter 189 Chapter 190 Chapter 191 Chapter 192 Chapter 193 Chapter 194 Chapter 195 As I read this volume for the first

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 247) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 247) *SPOILERS* 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 247 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 247 Summary/Synopsis: Kotaro has bought Negi the time he needed to complete the Duplex Complexio. Jack is impress and Negi calls this “Raiten Taiso 2.” Meanwhile in the stands, Konoka and Faux-Asuna wonder if Negi can win.

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 246) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 246) *SPOILERS* 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 246 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 246 Summary/Synopsis: Negi attempts to get up, recalling Ako and Tosaka but begins to vomit blood. Jack tells Negi to give it up since his whole purpose was to just test Negi. While he won’t say that

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 245) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 245) SPOILERS 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 245 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 245 Summary/Synopsis: Ako decides to confront Tosaka about “Nagi-san” with Akira following, wanting Ako to stop. Ako says she doesn’t have the qualities of the other girls but even she can do something. So she bursts into

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 244) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 244) SPOILERS 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 244 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 244 Summary/Synopsis: Negi and Kotaro are being owned in the arena but Negi tries to counter attack. Jack explains the weaknesses in Negi’s new technique, which he does admit is impressive for Negi to learn. In addition,

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 243) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 243) SPOILERS 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 243 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 243 Summary/Synopsis: In a flashback, Ako is shown bathing and wanting to confess to Nagi-san. She decides that she has to do it before they return to Japan since the Magic World is apparently Nagi-san’s home. After

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 242) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Manga Vol 27 (Ch 242) SPOILERS 魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 27 Chapter 242 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 242 Summary/Synopsis: As Kotaro takes care of Kagetarou, Negi juices up to fight Jack Rakan. Jack is surprised at speeds that surprise Jack, including the Shundou technique. Negi pounds on Jack with lightning-like speed and Jack realizes