Posts Tagged ‘Discotek’

Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro

A Look at Discotek’s “Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro 4K UHD”

A Look at Discotek’s Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro 4K UHD One surefire way to know if I really like a title is to count how often I’ve “double dipped” for it. In the case of Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro, I originally purchased this on 4:3 VHS. Then I purchased

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MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge

“Takeshi’s Castle” and “MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge”

“Takeshi’s Castle” and “MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge” When I lived in Japan, I was introduced to an insane series called Takeshi’s Castle. I loved it so much, I wrote a piece about it for the early days of this blog in late 2006. Fast forward to early August, Discotek Media announced that they license-rescued

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Lupin the IIIrd: Fujiko's Lie

Lupin the IIIrd: Fujiko’s Lie Review (#LupinIII)

Lupin the IIIrd: Fujiko’s Lie Review LUPIN THE ⅢRD 峰不二子の嘘 Lupin the IIIrd: Mine Fujiko no Uso –> Buy this anime from SPOILER Summary/Synopsis MINE Fujiko works for a man named Randy, who lives in a badlands area along with his son, Gene. Randy embezzled $500 million from the Godfrey Mining company. As such,

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Lupin the IIIrd: Goemon's Blood Spray

Lupin the IIIrd: Goemon’s Blood Spray (Movie Review)

Lupin the 3rd: Goemon’s Blood Spray Lupin III Ishikawa Goemon’s Spray of Blood Goemon Ishikawa’s Fountain of Blood Lupin the IIIrd Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon LUPIN THE ⅢRD 血煙の石川五ェ門 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: On a Japanese-styled gambling ship, the yakuza owners employ Goemon as bodyguard. A member of another yukuza group is busted cheating. As such, the

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Monster Farm DVD Review (aka: Monster Rancher)

Monster Farm DVD Review (aka: Monster Rancher) Monster Farm: The Secret of the Stone Disk モンスターファーム〜円盤石の秘密〜 Monster Farm: The Path to the Legend Cup モンスターファーム〜伝説への道〜 Monster Rancher I don’t remember when I saw the English dub version of Monster Farm, known as Monster Rancher, on American TV. I didn’t know anything about it, other than

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Monster Farm/Monster Rancher

I Started “Monster Farm” DVD (aka: Japanese version of “Monster Rancher”)

I Started “Monster Farm” DVD (aka: Japanese version of “Monster Rancher”) Hey gang! I went to my DVD stash of unwatched anime titles. And I went for my more recent purchase (as in I bought this in 2018) of Monster Farm from Discotek (their Eastern Star subdivision). For those who don’t know, Monster Farm originated

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Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Collector's Edition

A Look at Discotek’s “Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Collector’s Edition”

A Look at Discotek’s “Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Collector’s Edition” Longtime followers of my blog or ramblings on other sites know that Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro is one of the main seeds that was planted in me in during my time in Japan way back in the day. As such, it

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Lupin the IIIrd: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone

Lupin the IIIrd: Daisuke Jigen’s Gravestone Movie Review (This isn’t your father’s Lupin III.)

Lupin the IIIrd: Daisuke Jigen’s Gravestone LUPIN the IIIrd~次元大介の墓標~ Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyō Lupin the 3rd: Jigen’s Gravestone SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lupin and Jigen pose as cops to intercept the Ambassador of Maranda and pose as them to gain entrance to the country of East Dora, to steal the Little Comet gem. With

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