“Takeshi’s Castle” and “MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge” When I lived in Japan, I was introduced to an insane series called Takeshi’s Castle. I loved it so much, I wrote a piece about it for the early days of this blog in late 2006. Fast forward to early August, Discotek Media announced that they license-rescued
Posts Tagged ‘Takeshi’s Castle’
Wipeout — No Takeshi’s Castle

Wipeout. Some of you know that I really enjoyed Takeshi’s Castle from my time in Japan and I’m not a fan of MXC. Still, an attempt by an American company to do an American version of Takeshi’s Castle, or at least something inspired by Takeshi’s Castle, is something that would get my attention. That was

“Takeshi’s Castle” — What Have They Done To You?

“Takeshi’s Castle” — What Have They Done To You? In 1989, I was fresh out of Tech School and was sent to my first duty station at Yokota AB, Japan. Being 19 at the time, there was clearly much I had yet to experience and Japan was about to give me a ton of experience