Viz recently made a surprising press release regarding their license of the anime Death Note. It wasn’t surprising that Viz would license the anime since they’ve licensed the manga. Still, Viz deciding to enter the online download market with subtitled releases of the anime while it is still on air in Japan is what is
Posts Tagged ‘Domestication’
The Latest Shakugan no Shana and More

I just finished watching the latest anime from the Shakugan no Shana franchise, specifically the OAV called Shakugan no Shana Special: Love and Onsen Off-Campus Study Session! You can read my review from the link. As you may know, the Shakugan no Shana series is based on a series of light novels by Yashichirou Takahashi-sensei.

“Takeshi’s Castle” — What Have They Done To You?

“Takeshi’s Castle” — What Have They Done To You? In 1989, I was fresh out of Tech School and was sent to my first duty station at Yokota AB, Japan. Being 19 at the time, there was clearly much I had yet to experience and Japan was about to give me a ton of experience