Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 33 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 33 トニカクカワイイ 33 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Aya feels crushed at learning Nasa is married to Tsukasa. She recalls falling in love with him after he solved a complex math problem on the board. Arisugawa-san has some fun at her daughter’s expense. She encourages Aya to
Posts Tagged ‘Tonikaku Kawaii’

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 32 (No harem for you!)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 32 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 32 トニカクカワイイ 32 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Kaname wonders how to handle her older sister Aya’s airheaded nature concerning Nasa. Aya likes Nasa, but hasn’t caught on that Nasa and Tsukasa are married. Even when Nasa tells her about his parents wanted to meet Tsukasa, Aya

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 31 (Companionate Love Foundation)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 31 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 31 トニカクカワイイ 31 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa checks with his landlord to make sure everyone is OK from the fire. He rescues the plant given to Tsukasa and him after their marriage. Tsukasa is worried about their situation, but because of Nasa’s careful planning, insurance

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 30 (How to turn boring into interesting.)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 30 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 30 トニカクカワイイ 30 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Even though Tsukasa has no interest in old buildings and such, she decides that by adding Nasa to the equation, boring old shrines will become fun. Nasa worries she’s forcing herself, but when she mentions that they haven’t been

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 29 (Classical Skills)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 29 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 29 トニカクカワイイ 29 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa wakes in the morning and recalls how Nasa got her to give him a goodnight kiss. Since Nasa appears to be asleep, she decides to go ahead and change her clothing in the room. She didn’t realize Nasa

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 28 (Spending the night at the folk’s house.)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 28 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 28 トニカクカワイイ 28 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa informs Nasa that she had a wonderful chat with his parents, but won’t say what they discussed. They are in the room that is Nasa’s, though he never lived there. Because it is bare, Tsukasa notes how few

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 27 (Nervous parents!)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 27 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 27 トニカクカワイイ 27 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa and Nasa take the train from Kyoto to Nara, where they then take a taxi to the home of Nasa’s parents. Nasa explains that his father is a former archeology professor at a large Tokyo university. He and

A First Look at Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon

A First Look at Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon One of my formerly favorite manga series was Hayate the Combat Butler by HATA Kenjiro-sensei. While on the whole it is an entertaining manga, the way it ended disappointing me quite a bit. However, I am still willing to give any new manga from