うる星やつら episode 23 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 23 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ataru is the MC and referee for the Tomo-1 Beauty Contest, featuring Ryuunosuke, Shinobu, Lum, Ran, and Sakura-sensei. The winner will receive a prize worth ¥150K. First contest is a mystery “box”, which Ryuunosuke wins. The second contest is to use items provided to
Posts Tagged ‘Urusei Yatsura’

Urusei Yatsura 22 (2022)(Shenanigans #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 22 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 22 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A space scarecrow manages to sell Ten-chan an empty bottle that will shrink things down. Ten-chan takes it to Earth to show Lum, only to have her shrunken down. Lum angrily sends Ten-chan to buy the enlarging bottle. Ataru comes home and finds the

Urusei Yatsura 21 (2022)(Mischief Making #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 21 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 21 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Oyuki summons Lum, Benten, and Ran to the normal, Japanese cafe. She tells them news of Planet Uni (Urchin). Initially, they don’t care, but then they recall that their teacher robot, CAO-2, was left on the planet. In the past at a galactic school

Urusei Yatsura 20 (2022)(Next Generation #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 20 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 20 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Benten goes to help a teen girl, only to be gassed and have her chain stolen. She goes to Earth to have a shower at Ataru’s place. Lum arrives and gets the news, so the two head to see Oyuki. She has a video

Urusei Yatsura 19 (2022)(Electrocutions! #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 19 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 19 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shuutarou invites Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, Ryuunosuke, and others to the Mendou estate. He wants to show them his family’s pride, a group of small octopi. The group aren’t that impressed, so Shuutarou takes them to a building that replicates Antarctica. There, he has his

Urusei Yatsura 18 (2022)(Comedy Hijinks #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 18 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 18 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum works in her UFO to create a a special lipstick. She puts it on, then goes to Ataru’s home. He refuses to let her put it on him. Instead, she accidentally puts it on Ten-chan, forcing her to kiss him. Ataru chastises Lum

Urusei Yatsura 17 (2022)(A Date and a Wish #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 17 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 17 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ryuunosuke is determined to buy her first bra. However, she only has ¥500 and bras cost a lot more. Meanwhile, Shinobu is stalked by a gang. As such, she clings to Ryuunosuke when she sees her since Ryuunosuke dresses as a guy. They guys

Urusei Yatsura 16 (2022)(She’s All Girl! #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 16 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 16 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, and Shuutarou head to the beach. They discover swimming is not allowed due to heavy surf. Further, the shops on the beach are closed, save one called Hamajaya. Outside the shop, a middle aged man and an apparent teen boy challenge