More Negima! Chapter 233 SPOILER Images

More Negima! 233 SPOILER Images!
魔法先生 ネギま!Chapter 233 (Images)

Here is the second batch of spoiler images from Mahou Sensei Negima! chapter 233. (click pics to make bigger, y’all). The Japanese posted quite a bit this time. One sorry so-and-so nailed me with a hardcore, full color H-image from a doujinshi of some kind, and it wasn’t even Negima related. *_* Well, at least it wasn’t guro (and if you don’t know what that means, you don’t want to know).

Looks like a Star Wars references w/ Princess Leia Akira giving out medals. ^_~

Update: One more!

The first batch is HERE for those who missed it. The third batch is here.

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6 Responses to “More Negima! Chapter 233 SPOILER Images”

  1. hurin says:

    So Arika wasn’t the final boss, I’m glad because that would be stupid. Makes me think the dark robed figure was really just another construct, and that the real final boss still lives (in Istanbul?).

    Fate has Asuna, but who have captured Anya? Don’t think it’s Fate as to him Anya would be off no importance whatsoever.

  2. AstroNerdBoy says:

    There is a school of thought that says the reason Fate is so keen to get back to the original site of Ostia is because the final boss is sealed there. It looked like Arika was performing a sealing ritual but I’ll need to see the whole manga to be sure.

    As to Anya, why not have Fate capture her as well (or the government)? After all, she is Negi’s childhood friend and can be held for ransom.

  3. Seems like Nagi is using the dark powers Negi used to defeat the boss.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you very much again and I am sorry if my opinion was wrong but I think Negi is Not Nagi because their look different as you can see then Negi use ‘The grow up’ medicine his face doesn’t look the same as Nagi and also when Negi show his past to Asuna (ch 66) The Nagi that fight with demon and the Nagi that meet with him at the end was different first of all the first one wear Necklace but the secone one doesn’t and also the first one show his face and doesn’t wear hood but the secone one does well for me I think the secone one who meet with little Negi is Negi from the future and not Nagi

    Well Thank you very much again And sorry if what I think is wrong and also sorry for my poor english

  5. Anonymous says:

    hmmm questions, so fate catches Asuna and Anya? im not sure im following this, and what is this fake asuna theory? would you please tell me. im kind of confused right now

  6. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Thank you very much again and I am sorry if my opinion was wrong but I think Negi is Not Nagi…

    And you may well be right. If I’m right, I’m sure I’ll go, “Hoo!Ya!” but if I’m wrong, I’ll be a man and admit it. ^_^

    hmmm questions, so fate catches Asuna and Anya? im not sure im following this, and what is this fake asuna theory? would you please tell me. im kind of confused right now

    What we know right now is that Asuna was captured by one of Fate’s girls. Anya appears to be captured as well, by is it Fate’s people or someone else? We don’t know.

    Regardless, for Asuna to be captured, that means that the Asuna with Negi is a fake. Remember how Al could use a bookmark artifact and assume the identity of another person? It is believed that because Shirori’s name means “bookmark” in Japanese, she is impersonating Asuna to infiltrate Negi’s group.

    We’ll learn more when the manga is officially released. ^_^

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