Hayate no Gotoku!! – 09

Hayate the Combat Butler “2nd Season” Ep. 09
ハヤテのごとく!!Episode 09
Hayate no Gotoku!! – 09

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09Sister Sonia finds herself outside of Wataru’s video store, troubled by the idea of falling in love with an underaged boy. She comes in to take him up on his offer to lend her some DVD’s, expecting him to not remember. He remembers though and has set a stack aside, recommending an anime for her. Sister Sonia decides that this must really be love but before she can do anything about it, Saki has an accident causing Wataru to rush to her aide. Sister Sonia leaves and grabs Hayate, demanding to know who that woman is. Hayate explains Saki is an important person to Wataru.

Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09Meanwhile, Saki finds herself kidnapped by the two men who had failed to kidnap Nagi. Hayate races after them to rescue Saki while Sister Sonia says that if Wataru kisses her, she’ll save Saki. Wataru kisses her on the cheek and Sister Sonia is off. She gets ahead of the thugs and takes them out while freeing Saki. Hayate arrives to find the thugs already dealt with. Sometime later, Sister Sonia has decided to rent one DVD at a time so that she can see Wataru more often while Saki finds herself irritated by Sister Sonia and Wataru being together.

Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09Katsura-sensei finds herself being asked about relationships and reflects on her own lack of a man. So she decides that to score a man, she needs the help of Nagi and a high society party. Klaus agrees to throw one for her but Katsura-sensei wants more information.

So Katsura-sensei hits three other ojousamas — Miki, Izumi, and Risa — and asks them about things. Hayate arrives with Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09Nagi in a rickshaw and while he doesn’t want to get involved, he’s roped in anyway. Nagi gives Hayate permission to speak to Izumi as if he liked her to show Katsura-sensei, but she doesn’t take it very seriously. In the end, Nagi makes Katsura-sensei reveal that she loves Dom Pérignon more than a man. However, the high society party goes off as planned with Katsura-sensei drinking everyone under the table.


Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09Ah, the fun continues. ^_^

As has been the cast, the anime writers are sticking with the non-adapted manga stories and that’s a good thing. I remember someone mentioning that they were uncomfortable with Sister Sonia showing affection for Wataru back in episode 3. I knew that would be picked up again soon because it was in the manga so I’m curious what people who were uncomfortable Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09with that shoutacon

Its fun seeing Sister Sonia in action though, especially since she’s like Hayate in that she’s basically “super human” in the things she can do. *lol*

As to Katsura-sensei’s story, I like how her quest provided a means to show how Hayate cares for Nagi and actually spoils Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09her. Both in the manga and in the anime, I loved seeing Nagi in her rickshaw and that she was going for a drive with Hayate. There’s just something so sweet about them doing this even though I don’t think of Hayate and Nagi as a possible romantic couple.

Its always nice to see Miki, Izumi, and Risa together. ^_^

Hayate no Gotoku!! - 09
So good stuff all around.

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One Response to “Hayate no Gotoku!! – 09”

  1. Kal says:

    The producers are staying faithful to the manga. Great things will come off this 🙂

    I do not mind Sonia liking Wataru either, it is in a very innocent kind of way, so I can’t find anything offensive about it.

    Both stories in the anime were nicely told, and build up a little more on the characters and situations.

    However, this is coming from someone who has read the manga and likes it. I would love to hear some comments from people who are just watching the anime, without reading the manga. What do they think about it? It may be a little too slow for them.

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