ホワイトアルバム Episode 24
White Album Ep. 24 review
White Album – 24
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
As the Menou scandal breaks in numerous magazines, Tamaru is furious at having had his exclusive cut from under him and he threatens Misaki, who’s no longer afraid. Further scandal erupts as Ogata is accused of tax evasion and the police raid the Echo’s basement. Touya visits Akira and learns of all this before revealing that Menou is hiding out at his apartment. Rina and Kanzaki have a
long conversation about the situation where Rina reveals that her smoking scandal from early in her career was staged by her brother, but only to teach Rina a lesson in being careful and dealing with scandal.
Touya cannot get Menou to reveal where they first met, save that it was when they were kids. Yayoi warns Touya to stay away from the Venus Festival as rehearsals start where Yuki and Rina are reunited. Yuki is worried about Ogata and gives Yayoi the slip to go back and find him. In a moment of comforting him, the two kiss but when Ogata’s kiss turns passionate, Yuki flees. Hiiragi disguises himself as a security guard working the Venus Festival and apparently spikes Rina’s tea. Meanwhile, Yuki flees to Touya where she discovers Menou is staying with him.
Finally, we learn the name of Menou’s friend, composer, and singer — Natsuko. I don’t believe the name had been mentioned before. Thus far, she’s shown no inclination of having sex with Touya.
I’m also stunned that Touya hasn’t had sex with Menou. She seems amazed by it too since she made mention of it to him. I suppose at this late stage of the game, he won’t sleep with her, but there are still two more episodes so who knows. Why she won’t tell him of their first meeting is rather strange. She’s not insulted by it apparently though.
Regardless, I’m curious about Menou’s relationship with Tamaru. It seems pretty clear that she set him up for the fall. I wonder if they are step brother and sister since Menou lived with her father and not her mother.
It is almost funny how Yuki is the exact opposite of Touya when it comes to giving into the moment of temptation. Yuki’s concern over Ogata combined with his depression made me think right off that something was going to happen. When they started kissing, I thought, “Yuki is going to give it up for Ogata? Ugh.” Not that I want her to give it up for Touya but the whole moment was just wrong and from a character’s
perspective, Yuki would have been very depressed about the whole thing.
Regardless, she didn’t give it up whereas Touya would have. Heck, I figure she felt so bad about the whole thing, she runs right to Touya only to find Menou there.
Was Rina the target of Hiiragi?
I’m sure I had more to say, but I got interrupted when I started this entry several days ago. So, I’ll press forward with the next episode.