Angel Beats! — Some Tenshi Fan Art and More
I don’t know who created these piece nor when, only that they showed up yesterday on the 2CH image uploader. So in case they are new to you, I’m doing a share. ^_^
Here’s a pan collage image of Tenshi sleeping from episode 6.
Finally, maybe you guys noticed this a long time ago, but I only just noticed this the other day as I’ve not examined the video images too closely. Whether it gives credence to the virtual world theory or not, I cannot say but I haven’t seen anyone mention the 0’s and 1’s “escaping” when Tenshi strikes.
Then again, it may mean nothing since her weapons were designed on the computer. Still, it is an unusual image to have of 0’s and 1’s as sparks. ^_^
“I haven’t seen anyone mention the 0’s and 1’s “escaping” when Tenshi strikes.
D@mn it, ANB, now you’ve got me curious about another anime! So much for having spare time this year… (^_~)
*lol* I know what you mean! I’m hard pressed to do what I do with all the home projects I’m working on, to say nothing of the insanity that is work.
the escape of 0 and 1 may also means that the weapon itself is losing its durability/form.
True, but in a digital sense. ^_^
This 0 & 1 thing is yet another example of why I told you to go read up on AB after your superficial first episode review. There was no shortage of discussion of this after it was shown in the very first Operation Tornado fight, I don’t know how you could only discover it now. At least you’ve started to pay attention.
Worth mentioning, when she uses her Delay ability back in episode two, the after-image-like portion dissolves into bits as well.
@Anon1 — My first episode review of this series was not superficial any more so than the many other bloggers who were negative on how this series started. And while I did look at some stuff, I didn’t see anyone talk about bits, even among those who liked the first episode. So while you may have seen some discussion (and I’m talking beyond theorizing that they are in a virtual world) about these bits, I still have not and neither have a lot of other people.
@anon2 — I figured that might be the case but I just haven’t had time to look.
Sure it was superficial if you didn’t even pay attention to the episode, or you would have seen the 0’s and 1’s flying off. That was in the episode itself for crying out loud, not something you had to read up on. I told you before my problem was not that you were negative but that you didn’t bother to pay attention, think things through, and look into things. Fortunately you’ve improved somewhat since then and I can’t be as hard on you now that we’re both Kanade fans.
@ANB: Feh, now I’m doomed. My random sampling of a few blogs about Angel Beats now has me wondering just how the heck Haruhi is making an appearance. I really hope anime isn’t falling into the endless “Crossover” pit that Marvel and DC dug.
@Anon1: I’m too curious for my own good, so I did a quick and dirty Google for “angel beats” tenshi 0 1. I saw a few mentions in the comments sections of large blogs, but nothing in the blog entries. Of course, maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough.
Not to mention that my random sampling of a few blogs doesn’t mean anything more than yours or ANB’s does – which is probably why he said “I haven’t seen anyone mention the 0’s and 1’s” rather than “No one else has ever mentioned the 0’s and 1’s”.
I didn’t notice the ‘1’s and ‘0’s. I did, however, notice the beehive shield seemingly protecting the door, which seems nearly as much out of place (of course, even the secure cell that they were in was very much out of place at a school…).
That by itself is making me wonder if this isn’t all somehow happening inside of a computer simulation of some sort. It would explain the ability to create seemingly impossible things such as Tenshi’s abilities. But I don’t know that there’s enough evidence yet.
I’d mention a couple of JRPGs within the last decade or so with similar plot points as examples, but I don’t know if there’s a spoiler tag available here.
“Sure it was superficial if you didn’t even pay attention to the episode, or you would have seen the 0’s and 1’s flying off.”
Not at small screen resolutions you won’t. Its not like I’m watching this on my HDTV and can see all sorts of details. The only reason I noticed this is because a Japanese person posted this image to show how it was happening in a discussion on the subject.
“I told you before my problem was not that you were negative but that you didn’t bother to pay attention, think things through, and look into things. “
I approached this anime no differently from any other anime I watch “cold” (ie: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood). And I looked through the blogsphere and saw I’m not the only one to be negative. But that’s OK — I can be negative. ^_~
“…I can’t be as hard on you now that we’re both Kanade fans.”
*lol* Well, that’s something I suppose. ^_^
@arimareiji — Yuri does look like Haruhi, but she’s not annoying like Haruhi is to me.
“I didn’t notice the ‘1’s and ‘0’s. I did, however, notice the beehive shield seemingly protecting the door, which seems nearly as much out of place (of course, even the secure cell that they were in was very much out of place at a school…).”
Yeah, I noticed that too. I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a shield/barrier on the door or what.
I can’t help but think that this will tie into Clannad to an extent and this world will be like the alternate world was in that anime, only someone with a powerful mind has created the basis for the world and the PC’s make alterations to suit their tastes.
Just to clarify something –
The ‘1’s and ‘0’s are also visible when she creates the hand sonics and not just when she’s striking the door. Apparently they come from whatever it is that she’s generating. The beehive barrier might be the same – when she smashes the door open using version 4, the barrier is only visible in the area immediately around where the weapon is jammed into the doorway.
This is getting ridiculous. You guys are finding all kinds of excuses for not having seen something obvious. What HDTV? You don’t need super high resolution for this. Here’s a 640×360 animated GIF for you from episode 1. Are you telling me you can’t see the numbers? Some of them are as big as Tenshi’s head, for crying out loud. I doubt any of you even watched the episode at only 640×360. You just didn’t pay attention.
@arimareiji Well I googled “”angel beats” tenshi 0s 1s” and on the first page I found a Sea Slugs! review that mentions it and has a picture as well. That’s a very popular blog. Project Saber mentions it too. It was also discussed a lot at Animesuki.
@AstroNerdBoy Since you mentioned FMA, I sometimes look at your reviews of FMA and I see comments pointing out all kinds of things you missed. I’m not talking about manga spoilers, just stuff in the episodes, so I think your attention is lacking pretty often. I can understand that you may be distracted or tired or whatever, but I don’t understand why you have such a problem admitting that you miss things.
Overall I find the idea that it’s not Ok to point out someone’s mistakes just because the person is not the only one making them really lame. Likewise with the idea that I can’t point out something here unless I point it out at every other blog as well.
@junior: I don’t know if it’s the same thing that you were thinking, and I haven’t watched AB yet to know whether the similarities are more than superficial, but your comment very much put me in mind of .hack (which I loved).
I just hope this post isn’t what you meant by spoiling?
@Anon1: I’ve noticed that lately Google seems to give preference to both websites and search terms someone already uses a lot, and that seems to be the case here. In your search results, your choice of search terms put the Sea Slugs review on the first page, but in my search results, it was #17.
Point of fact, I’d think searching out dozens of reviews before writing one yourself would be a very bad idea. It’d make you quite likely to unconsciously use other people’s wording and ideas without attribution.
And to be honest, it’s just getting silly for you to insist that he should “admit” his failure to post every detail of every episode he reviews (“all kinds of things you missed”). That’s not something to “admit,” that’s the quite positive trait of using editorial judgment.
A review covers highlights the reviewer finds interesting; simply regurgitating every detail would be boring. And it would leave no room for the rest of us to bring up other details, which would be even more boring. Give me a conversation over a monologue any day. Or a diatribe, for that matter.
@”Tenshi-suki” Anon — While I’m not using this as an excuse, I am often extremely tired when I watch anime and I usually have to press a ton of work into a single day to cover a week’s worth of blog entries. On Sunday’s, I may get a small window to watch a single episode of something, but that’s generally when I’ll watch-blog either Dirty Pair or Urusei Yatsura. Plus these days, I’m also squeezing in a new episode of Doctor Who. ^_^;
Anyway, I don’t notice every tiny detail but at the same time, many others don’t either. However, instead of point out details I may have missed in a regular, friendly fashion, yours come across as, “I noticed all these details as did everyone else and anyone who missed it is so stupid, how could they be breathing!?” It is one thing to be critical but it is another to sit in the seat of the scornful. Those who sit there tend to rub people the wrong way even if that was not their intent. ^_^
I will say that watching anime subtitled does mean I don’t notice little visual details. I generally don’t pick up some of these unless they are pointed out to me or I catch them on a subsequent rewatching of the episode where I’m not reading the subtitles as closely.
And speaking of tired, I have wearisome things to take care of so I go.
Look friend I never said you’re stupid, it’s completely in your head that I think that way. I already told Frank last time “I never said or implied he was the only idiot or an idiot at all or that this anime was superior or that everyone else got it.” This is the second time now that you guys have put words in my mouth and made claims about what I’m supposedly thinking. I don’t have to be all cuddly about it when I see you doing a lazy review and missing some obvious things but I didn’t make this personal, it’s you guys who keep doing that. I only brought up the 0 & 1 thing because it related to what I’d said about your first review.
It is like ANB said, even if it isn’t your intent, the way you are phrasing things makes it sound as if you were saying, “you are stupid.” Despite that, I still let your post through. 😉