Happy Valentine’s Day 2025! Hey gang! Busy with work, but I’m also working on a new Vandread piece. Hard to believe it is already time for Valentine’s Day. Where does time go? I say that and think that it has almost been two years since Yashahime! completed. 😅 I really enjoyed that series. Regardless, if
Posts Tagged ‘Images’

Work! Work! Work!

Work! Work! Work! Hey gang! Working on the next review. Unfortunately, work has me just busy enough so that I can never get any traction on writing. Also, the Frieren anime series is so good, when I’m trying to write, I end up just rewatching the episode multiple times. 😅 Seriously, my top 5 all

Deedlit is Best Elf

Deedlit is Best Elf Hey gang. Work is busier than it has ever been of late. And to make matters more fun, I no longer get overtime pay. 😭 Still, it pays the bills. But, it is delaying me from working on blog posts. And I’ve been pretty good of late. Anyway, I am working

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Work is busy, but I’ll take a moment to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” to all of you for 2022. And I say this as someone without a special person to celebrate with. But hey, that’s life and you go with the cards you are dealt. 😅 Seeing this image, I am

First Anime Crushes

First Anime Crushes Sometimes, I see silly little things going around social media. A recent one was, “Without stating your age, name your first anime crushes.” And it was limited to four. So I thought I’d play along, via the blog. I really don’t have 2D crushes, though as a teenager, I really liked Magik

UQ Holder–New Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Cover

UQ Holder–New Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Cover Hey gang. Kiba08 on Reddit posted the cover of what should be the February 2020 issue of Bessatsu Shounen Magazine. And if features the crew from UQ Holder. Here’s a copy of the image. As some have noted, the artwork here doesn’t really seem like Akamatsu-sensei’s. Its not bad

Merry Christmas 2019!

Merry Christmas 2019! Hey gang! I want to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas for this 2019 year! I hope you had a very good one. 😃 As for me, I’m not doing anything special. I’ll do some Fate/Grand Order Christmas 2019 event farming and make my final stream for

Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Happy Thanksgiving 2019! Hey everyone! For those of you in the United States, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope yours is a good one. As you read this, I should be with my brother and his family. He makes a good Thanksgiving spread, so I’m looking forward to that. Plus, as